Daloa Day 1
Many Challenges and Great Victories
The first night of our Gospel Campaign here in Daloa, Ivory Coast has just ended. The atmosphere was electric. The devil has tried hard to keep this campaign from happening – a great indicator that we are about to witness a mighty harvest here. Despite many obstacles we have had to overcome here, something extraordinary is taking place.
On the road, en route from the last campaign site, our technicians ran into difficulties at the Ivory Coast boarder. They sat for six days waiting for clearance. Last Friday, they still had not been released. The border control office closed for the weekend at 5 PM and wouldn't open again until Monday. 5:00 came, and they still had not received their paperwork. This meant that they would not arrive in Daloa on time. The campaign was in jeopardy. Ten minutes after 5:00 the paperwork arrived and although the office was technically closed, they were miraculously allowed to cross the border.

Despite the many challenges, and push back we have received from all sides, when we arrived on the field tonight it was packed!

After I preached the Gospel and prayed for the sick, we heard wonderful testimonies.
Another paralyzed man, an old man who had not been able to walk for eight years, was so healed tonight that he jumped, and kicked, and danced on the platform. You could never tell that he had been paralyzed just minutes earlier!
Jesus is alive and well here in Daloa. This is just the beginning!
There is one more small challenge I should share with you. This morning, after our first session of the Fire Conference had concluded, we received a message from the governor that our meetings, which are apparently in close proximity to the government offices, are too loud and must be concluded by 8:00 AM going forward! That means we will start preaching tomorrow morning at 6:00 AM – before the sun has come out! This will be a new experience for us, but nothing will stop what God is doing here.
Please pray for us, for our team and for the people of Daloa as we press through every obstacle and look for a historic harvest to take place over the next few days.
Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team
My donation for the Campaign in Daloa