Operation Decapolis
11 cities, 11 Gospel Campaigns
We are in the final push! Please will you prayerfully consider helping us meet the costs of this huge undertaking? Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for standing with us as we prepare for this great harvest in Zambia.

This is the second Operation Decapolis in Zambia, and the first time that we’ll be doing 11 full Gospel Campaigns in one country in two weeks. This time, there is a strong focus on Lusaka, the nation’s capital. This is, by far, the most populated place in all of Zambia. It is a very large and spread-out metropolis. Our strategy to take Lusaka for Jesus is to have 7 Gospel campaigns in different areas of the city. We want every resident of Lusaka to know what’s coming, and to be able to easily attend a Gospel Campaign wherever they live.
Simultaneously over two weeks
11 Gospel Campaigns in 11 cities in Zambia

55 nights of meetings resulting in over 1 million documented decisions for Christ! Countless miracle healings! An entire nation shaken with the Gospel!
Week 2 – Day 5 – Lusaka (Hero Stadium), Zambia
Tonight, was the last night of our two-week campaign here in Zambia.

For me the 11 city tour peaked in Lusaka—the capital—at “Hero Stadium.” Once again, the field was packed and the reception to the gospel was amazing. As I reflect on the journey that brought us to this point, it’s overwhelming and mind-boggling.
It was in 2017 that we first discussed the vision for multiplication as a team. Imagine being asked to scale up from 6 or 7 Gospel Campaigns PER YEAR to 10 or 11 over a TWO WEEK period! That’s what I asked them to do. It was an impossible dream, yet, the amazing Christ for all Nations team rose to the challenge. They reimagined and re-engineered our entire technical operation. They built 10 separate sound systems, platforms and lighting grids along with the big rigs to transport them all.
Week 2 – Day 5 – Lusaka (Hero Stadium), Zambia
We started the Christ for all Nations Evangelism Bootcamp to train an army of evangelists and organizers.
Bret and Silva Sipek (who were leading our Eastern European operation at the time) along with their amazingly talented daughter Jana Bielava and colleague Vojtech Trcka stepped in to develop the “Operation Decapolis” strategy, train new Gospel Campaign directors and then lead the organizing.
Hundreds of people brought their gifts, talents and experience to the table and worked for years to make this a reality. Also, YOU sowed into this with your prayers and finances sacrificially, making the impossible possible.
For the first time, we have been able to successfully conduct 11 full Gospel Campaigns (lasting 5 days each) in 11 different cities over a two week period. That’s 55 nights of Gospel Campaign meetings in all! Millions of people heard the gospel. We documented hundreds of thousands of decisions to follow Christ. Amazing miracles, signs, and wonders took place in each city and a nation has been shaken by the gospel! By God’s grace, history has been made here in Zambia over the last two weeks and we are all reeling from what we have experienced.
Week 2 – Day 5 – Lusaka (Hero Stadium)
Last night, at Hero Stadium, I preached in the final meeting.
The prayer for the sick, testimonies, and prayer of blessing were conducted by the team stationed here: Evangelist Joe Turnbull, Evangelist Evelina Smane, and Evangelist Daniel Kobida. And boy, did we witness some amazing miracles!
Week 2 – Day 5 – Lusaka (Hero Stadium), Zambia
For example, a woman named Grace had severe pain in her left leg for the past seven years, but after prayer, she was healed! She could even jump and run without any pain.

Week 2 – Day 5 – Lusaka (Hero Stadium), Zambia
Luckford, a young man who was shortsighted, could only see clearly from the stage to the cameraman, which is about six meters. But after prayer, his vision became completely clear and he could see into the distance without any issues.

Week 2 – Day 5 – Lusaka (Hero Stadium), Zambia
Philip had strong pain in his right shoulder and couldn't lift his arm, but after prayer, he felt all the pain leave and was able to move his shoulder perfectly. He even did ten pushups on stage!
- And then there was a woman who had a lump in her chest and could not breathe well for two weeks, but after prayer, the lump disappeared and her breathing became perfect.
These are just a few examples of the miracles we witnessed tonight. Tomorrow, we'll begin our journey home. But before we do, we want to thank you for praying for us and the entire team here in Zambia. It has been a couple of weeks to remember, and we thank the Lord for every salvation and miracle. Stay tuned for more reports to come!
Yours in the Harvest,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
and the whole CfaN team
Week 2 – Day 5 – David Rotärmel & Richard Fullwood
Bauleni, Zambia

Week 2 – Day 4 – Chawama, Zambia
The dynamic duo leading the charge in this Gospel Campaign are Evangelist Levi Lutz, (who leads the CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp), and Evangelist Brittany Sanderlin.

After I preached the Gospel, Brittany fervently prayed for the crowd to experience the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. And then came David Mziga, (another graduate of the CfaN Bootcamp), who stepped up to pray for the sick.
Week 2 – Day 4 – Chawama, Zambia
Picture this: For a year and a half, Diana had to walk with a cane. Her legs had forgotten the joy of walking, and she was too weak to handle heavy stuff or even bend over.

But guess what? Jesus stepped in, and the impossible became possible! As we started praying, she felt a surge of power coursing through her body. She took her first steps across the stage, and the crowd erupted in cheers. When asked who healed her, she let out a resounding "JESUSSSS!" The crowd caught on, chanting "JESUSSSS!" in unison. We jubilantly tossed away her cane, and her face was beaming with happiness!
Week 2 – Day 4 – Chawama, Zambia
Then we have Jane, carrying the weight of pain on one side of her body for a whopping nine years, keeping her from walking.

But again, Jesus showed up and the pain vanished. Jane strolled confidently across the stage, waving her hands in victory and praise. She couldn't contain her joy and exclaimed, "GOD IS GREAT!!!!" Oh, she was on cloud nine!
Week 2 – Day 4 – Chawama, Zambia
Last but not least, there was Priska. Can you imagine not being able to do the simplest tasks for five long years? That was her reality, paralyzed from the waist down.

Every attempt to use her legs ended in a painful tumble. But Jesus healed her tonight! Suddenly, she could bend down and move around the stage with ease. When she tested her newfound strength, tears welled up in her eyes, and she raised her hands high in the air. She was bursting with excitement. She even walked back and forth, just to celebrate her victory. Hallelujah!
Tomorrow morning, I'll gather with the team in Lusaka for a devotion session. And tomorrow night is the grand finale! Please pray for the churches that will embrace the multitudes of new converts. And please keep us in your prayers too as we gear up for one last night of epic harvest.
Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with the CfaN team
Week 2 – Day 3 – Mongu, Zambia
Today we made the rather long trip to the city of Mongu where I preached tonight.
This seems to be one of the largest of the Gospel Campaigns happening this week, which is especially interesting given the fact that it is such a relatively remote region. But I’m hearing reports of people traveling for over thirty hours, some making the journey by boat. People are sleeping on the Gospel Campaign ground overnight because they have come from other towns and villages and have no other place to stay. The hunger, the faith, and the expectation is really something remarkable.
Week 2 – Day 3 – Mongu, Zambia
Not only are the people hungry—so are the bugs!
There was such a cloud of flying insects swirling around the platform, it was quite distracting. Bugs were flying in my mouth. Some were crawling down my shirt. Many people in the front of the crowd were also obviously being quite harassed. At one point, in the middle of my sermon, we had to shut the stage lights off just to get some relief. But the people never left and they stayed attentive and responsive throughout. What a joy to preach the gospel in a place like this.
Week 2 – Day 3 – Mongu, Zambia
I preached tonight on the blood of Jesus. Tens of thousands responded to the gospel.

Afterwards Evangelist Gary Smith (who is carrying the Gospel Campaign here in Mongu together with Evangelist Alejandro Escobar) prayed for the sick. Here are some of the wonderful testimonies.
Week 2 – Day 3 – Mongu, Zambia
One woman had been suffering with terribly painful fibroids since 2000.

On Thursday, during the prayer for the sick, she said she felt something coming out of her stomach and she noticed that the pain was gone. Today (Friday) she went to the hospital and got checked out. Sure enough all the fibroids have vanished!
Week 2 – Day 3 – Mongu, Zambia
Another lady who also came to the meeting on a crutch was healed.
- She said she had suffered with pain in her back and hip for the last 4 years. The pain prevented her from walking without the crutch. But tonight, all the pain left, she can walk and bend normally. She was so excited about what Jesus did for her that she threw her crutch off the stage!
- A woman came to the meeting tonight on crutches. Her broken leg was in a cast. After prayer, she threw her crutches away and began to walk normally!
Week 2 – Day 3 – Mongu, Zambia
As another point of interest, we are already getting reports from all over the nation of churches receiving many new converts.

These are people that received Christ last week in the first 5 Gospel Campaigns and also through our “Gospel Invasion” which has been going on for several weeks where CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp and CfaN FireCamp Graduates have been doing Kids Gospel Campaigns, Gospel Truck outreaches, and one on one evangelism all over Zambia.
Now as we enter the weekend, we anticipate the largest and most fruitful meeting across all 6 cities where Gospel Campaigns are ongoing this week. I know I speak for the whole team when I say that we are quite weary at this stage, but the job is not over yet. Please pray for us as we make this final push.
Yours in the Harvest,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team
We rely on the generosity of donors like you to fund our mission. Would you consider making a donation?
Week 2 – Day 2 – Chingola, Zambia
They Climbed the Trees!

Today we traveled to the city of Chingola where I preached tonight. Even though this is only the second night of meetings here, the field is already packed! In fact, there were people on top of walls, on top of buildings, crowding the roads—dozens of people even climbed trees so they could see and hear! This was especially interesting given the fact that I preached from the story of Zaccheus! What a fitting sermon aid.
Week 2 – Day 2 – Chingola, Zambia
The Gospel Campaign in this city is being carried by Evangelists Randy Roberts and Lukas Repert.

Tonight I preached on repentance, restitution, and the change of life that must come to those who want to follow Jesus. I really sensed the Lord’s heart as I preached. I felt like the Holy Spirit convicted many hearts on a deep level. I am sure we will see monumental changes in this region in the days to come.
Another interesting development here is that we had to pick from two sites on opposite sides of town for this Gospel Campaign. The city has essentially been cut in two by a massive, miles-long mine that runs through the middle. Those who live on one side rarely if ever travel to the other side. So when we picked the current site, those on the other side were very disappointed. But the Gospel Campaign organizer in this city, Brady Liette (who is also a Bootcamp graduate), and a couple of other Bootcampers have decided to conduct their own Gospel Campaign in a couple of weeks on that other side of town so that everyone has a chance to hear the Gospel! They’re able to do this because of the draft of the momentum that is being created this week. They will also use many of the same sign frames, equipment, and other resources that are already on site! Nothing is going to waste. Yet another example of the way that we are seeing multiplication happening on every level!
Week 2 – Day 2 – Chingola, Zambia
Tomorrow I travel to a city where people have traveled for 30+ hours to the Gospel Campaign field
– some even traveling by boat. Many are camping on the ground overnight. It is the most well-attended of the Gospel Campaigns this week and it is a relatively small place. God is moving across Zambia. We are living in the days of harvest.
Thank you for praying. More to come tomorrow.
Yours in the Harvest,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team
We rely on the generosity of donors like you to fund our mission. Would you consider making a donation?
Week 1 – Operation Decapolis
The first week of the Gospel Campaigns in Zambia
Week 2 – Day 1 – Bauleni and Ngombe, Zambia
Tonight marked the beginning of the second (of two weeks) of Gospel Campaigns here in Zambia.

We are conducting 11 full Gospel Campaigns (five nights each) in 11 different cities/districts throughout the nation. Each night I travel to a different campaign where a pair of CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp trained co-evangelists are carrying four of the five nights in that city. I’m able to make it to minister one night in each location. At least...that’s the idea.
The original plan was to conduct 10 campaigns. But the CfaN team, always preparing for any contingency, went ahead and prepared an eleventh city (just in case one had a problem and had to shift at the last minute). But although we prepared for the worst, the entire process has gone so smoothly that the backup campaign has become a bonus campaign! This means that one of the nights I would have to minister in two of them (11 campaigns and only 10 days). That bonus campaign night was tonight.
Week 2 – Day 1 – Bauleni, Zambia
I started out preaching the Gospel in the district of Bauleni and then left the ministering to the sick to evangelists David Rotärmel and Richard Fullwood who are stationed there.

Week 2 – Day 1 – District of Ngombe, Zambia
I was then rushed by police escort to the site of the campaign in the district of Ngombe.

I arrived on the field just as Evangelist Michael Job (who is carrying this campaign along with Evangelist Deborah Cohen) had finished preaching and the counselors were collecting follow-up information.
I taught on faith and healing and then prayed for the sick. There was such a palpable faith and expectancy there.
- A lady had a stroke and as a result could not walk and her arm was stiff. Now she can walk and does not need the stick anymore!
- Another lady had been suffering with anemia for many years. She had received treatment after treatment without improvement. It caused her to feel severely weak and filled her body with pain. Tonight she said that as I was praying for the sick, the pain and weakness left her. She was so excited that without even being prompted she started running back and forth on the platform!
- Another woman said that she suffered chest pain and her legs and back hurt so much she was unable to stand upright. Now she can run and jump and stand upright!
Week 2 – Day 1 – Ngombe, Zambia
The first testimony in Ngombe was a 3 year old child named Faith who was brought by her aunt. We were told that Faith had never stood or walked before. Her family was very worried about her. But tonight she walked for the first time!

Week 2 – Day 1 – Ngombe, Zambia
The next testimony was from an elderly lady who had been blind for so long she couldn’t even remember the number of years!

She claimed that she had been totally healed so I tested her by waving my handkerchief in front of her and asked her to catch it, which she did with ease! The joy on her face was unforgettable.
Week 2 – Day 1 – Ngombe, Zambia
Then a woman arrived who had been carried to the meeting on her daughter's back.

Both of them were weeping with joy as they told me how the mother had been an invalid for so long. Tonight Jesus healed her. She can walk on her own. It was a very emotionally touching experience.
Week 2 – Day 1 – Bauleni, Zambia
A man who was bound to a wheelchair for 3 years and a woman unable to walk for 6 years were both healed

Week 2 – Day 1 – Bauleni & Ngombe, Zambia
These and many other miracles took place tonight, and don't forget—these are just two of six cities where campaigns are happening tonight!
In every city, the gospel was preached. In every city, multitudes surrendered to Christ. In every city amazing miracles took place and in every city there is great joy tonight. Rejoice with us and with heaven for the mighty harvest that is coming in. And please continue to pray for us!
Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(Together with the whole CfaN Team)
We rely on the generosity of donors like you to fund our mission. Would you consider making a donation?
Day 5 – Mtendere, Zambia
A Historic Harvest
What happens when nearly 200 hard-working, highly trained evangelists arrive in a ripe harvest field, completely unified, with one heart and one mind, using the finest combine harvesting machine in the world—and they put their hand to the plow for months at a time? A historic harvest, that’s what!
As we come to the end of the first week of Gospel Campaigns here in Zambia I present these mind-boggling statistics to give you a taste of what I’m talking about.
- 1,025,030 handbills (flyers) were distributed.
- 132,500 posters were hung.
- 1,208 billboards were advertised on.
- 9,267 commercials played on TV and radio.
- We granted 132 interviews on television and radio stations.
- More than 789,000 people attended the meetings.
- More than 97,000 people volunteered.
In addition, 197 CfaN team members (most of them volunteers) have worked day and night (some of them have been on the ground here for months) to prepare for these Gospel Campaigns.
Day 5 – Mtendere Zambia
Tonight I preached in the region of Mtendere in Zambia.
But before heading to the field tonight I met with the Bishop who oversees the Assemblies of God denomination in Zambia. He told me that he was a counselor in CfaN’s first Zambian Gospel Campaign in 1981. He was just a young man then and part of the first generation of Pentecostals and Evangelicals. He told me that when Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke (Founder of CfaN) came to Zambia, his influence helped to solidify their identity. Reinhard’s impact on the church in this nation was monumental. The churches were flooded as a result of Bonnke’s preaching and the seed planted in those days is still bearing fruit today!
And even what is happening here this week (and next week) is in many ways drafting in the slipstream of the legacy of Reinhard Bonnke and the many faithful men and women of God that came before us in the ministry of Christ for all Nations.
Day 5 – Mtendere, Zambia
After preaching the Gospel, Evangelists Evelina Smane and Jacob Ebersole took over, praying for the sick and blessing the people on this final day of the Gospel Campaign here.
This week we conducted five Gospel Campaigns in five cities, each lasting five nights. This was the fifth and final night of the first week. Next week we move to 6 new cities where another 6 Gospel Campaigns will take place (11 in all over the two weeks). We estimate that upwards of 3 million people will hear the gospel and hundreds of thousands will say yes to Jesus. Please keep praying for us.
Yours in the Gospel,
Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team
Day 5 – Mtendere, Zambia
A 17-year-old woman named Miriam had been completely deaf since she was 3 years old. Tonight Jesus opened her ears!

Day 5 – Mtendere, Zambia
A woman named Elizabeth was totally healed tonight after not being able to walk properly or even stand up since 2019.

Day 4 – Chipata, Zambia
Fruit that remains

Tonight I preached in the city of Chipata, Zambia. When I arrived on the field, as always, I first greeted the local bishops, pastors, committee chairmen and other members of the organizing team in that city. At the end of the line was an elderly man who had been the chairman of the very first campaign CfaN did in Zambia back in 1982. He told me about how wonderful that campaign was and how many people got saved, how many new churches were planted and how the fruit from that campaign – 40 years ago – is still evident in Zambia today. Then he said, “We love CfaN campaigns, because they bear fruit that remains.” I could not imagine a better compliment for an evangelistic ministry. He told me that ever since that time they have been praying for CfaN to come to his city – Chipata. So this week is an answer to the prayers of so many.
The reality that we are standing on a platform built by years of faithful prayer and intercession is something I am always aware of. But in some places, it is more evident than others. In Chipata, a relatively small town, the crowd was massive. It looked to me as if the entire population of the whole region was in attendance. Once again, as we have seen in city after city, there was a great openness and an overwhelming response to the Gospel.
Day 4 – Chipata, Zambia
And then Evangelist Robert Enge (the other evangelist stationed here) prayed for the sick and many wonderful miracles took place. Here is a small sampling.

Day 4 – Chipata, Zambia
A lady named Natasha couldn’t move her right leg since 2014. The doctors said she could never be healed. They could only drain fluid. Now strong and whole, she could stand and jump!

Day 4 – Chipata, Zambia
A man testified that his entire body had been riddled with arthritis since 2012.

To make matters worse, he was suffering with several other sicknesses including pneumonia. But tonight Jesus healed him. He ran across the stage at full speed!
- Two disabled women, one who could not walk at all for 10 years, and another who could not walk properly for 11 years, were both healed tonight.
- A man who was blind in both eyes for 10 years can now see!
- Violet Makura had been in an accident in June 2022 and couldn’t walk without crutches can now dance and walk.
Tomorrow night is the final night of campaign meetings happening this week in all five cities. Of course, next week we will do it all over again in 6 more cities (11 in all over the two weeks). Thank you for continuing to pray for the whole team here in Zambia.
Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(Together with the whole CfaN Team)
Day 3 – Mansa, Zambia
Curses broken in Jesus’ name

My heart is full tonight after preaching in the city of Mansa, Zambia. The crowd was so dense on the field tonight that I had to ask for the barriers in the front to be removed for safety reasons. A huge percentage of the crowd was comprised of young people, even children. They were hanging on every word and responding with enthusiasm as I preached on the power of the blood of Jesus!
Day 3 – Mansa, Zambia
After preaching the Gospel, we burned fetishes, charms, amulets and idols.

An unusually large haul of “juju” was surrendered here as multitudes are turning away from witchcraft to serve the living God! Evangelist David Rotärmel then prayed. Utilizing a list of locally known curses and “gods” (provided by the locals) he renounced them and broke their power in Jesus’ name.
I think it’s hard to explain to westerners the significance of this act. Many of these local gods and curses are respected and even feared by those who live here. When we publicly defy them and break their power in the name of Jesus, it sends a signal to all those living under the fear of these evil spirits, that Jesus is Lord. He has power over all demonic strongholds and they don’t have to be afraid any longer if they belong to Jesus.
Day 3 – Mansa, Zambia
David Rotärmel – who is stationed here in Mansa (along with Evangelist Levi Lutz) – also prayed for the sick tonight. Here are a few of the amazing testimonies.

Day 3 – Mansa, Zambia
One girl became blind in her right eye when she was three months old. But tonight, her right eye opened. Now she can see.

She and her mother testified on the stage of this great miracle. She demonstrated by covering her healthy eye and identifying the correct number of fingers when tested.
Day 3 – Mansa, Zambia
A man was not able to bend down for six years due to severe pain in his lower back and waist. But today he received healing. Now he can bend down all the way without any pain!

Day 3 – Mansa, Zambia
Another woman had a stroke in 2020 that caused internal bleeding in her head. Since then, she has been suffering from severe and constant headaches.

Last night Jesus healed her and tonight she testified on the stage that she is free from the constant pain.
Day 3 – Mansa, Zambia
On a personal note, another special feature of this tour is that I’ve had the privilege of bringing my 14-year-old son, London.

Tonight, I introduced him to the crowd and there was so much love and warmth on both sides. I’m sure he is marked for life!
Tomorrow I will travel to another city where another Gospel Campaign is ongoing. What an absolutely breathtaking season of harvest we are in. Please continue to pray for us. More to come...
Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(Together with the whole CfaN Team)
Day 3 – Operation Decapolis
Mansa, Zambia

Day 3 – Operation Decapolis
Chipata, Zambia

Day 3 – Operation Decapolis
Mtendere, Zambia

Day 3 – Operation Decapolis
Garden, Zambia

Day 3 – Operation Decapolis
George, Zambia

Day 2 – George District, Zambia
Evangelists Joe Turnbull and Alejandro Escobar are stationed in this Gospel Campaign and doing an excellent job.

After preaching the gospel tonight Evangelist Alejandro prayed for the sick. Here are a few of the testimonies we heard tonight as Evangelist Brittany Sanderlin interviewed those who were healed.
Day 2 – George District, Zambia
One lady who could not see out of her left eye received her sight.

Day 2 – George District, Zambia
Another lady, blind for the last 9 years, received her sight as well.

Day 2 – George District, Zambia
Tomorrow I will fly to the next city where I’ve already heard amazing reports. Please continue to pray for our team here in all 11 cities. Zambia will be saved!

Day 1 – Garden District, Zambia
A New Milestone!

Tonight marks the beginning of a brand new milestone for Christ for all Nations, and possibly in the history of missionary evangelism. Tonight, 11 campaigns began in 11 different cities/districts throughout Zambia simultaneously! Our first campaign in Zambia was in 1981. Since that time, we’ve held a total of 12 campaigns here. We will nearly match that total over the next two weeks! Also, this week will mark 38 campaigns over the last 38 months and bring our total of documented decisions close to the 90-million mark! What an amazing time to be alive.
Day 1 – Garden District, Zambia
Daniel Kolenda with Evangelists Gary Smith, Jared Horton, Gabriel Garcia

Day 1 – Garden District, Zambia
I will travel each day to a new city and preach one night.

In each of the 11 cities there are a pair of CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp graduates carrying the lion's share of the ministry (each pair will cover 4 of the 5 nights of campaigns in each city). This strategy allows us to get many times the “bang” for every “buck.” All of our efforts (church mobilization, printing, advertising, transportation, technical, etc.) can be leveraged to benefit all 11 cities (rather than just one) allowing us to conduct 11 campaigns for nearly the same amount of money and time we used to invest into just a single campaign! And one of the wonderful additional benefits is that many other evangelists are getting invaluable experience in organizing, conducting, and ministering in a mass gospel campaign. This is true multiplication on every level!
Day 1 – Garden District, Zambia
The crowd, mostly young people, listened intently as I preached the Gospel.
I started my 11-city tour tonight in the Garden District of Lusaka. This campaign, like several others, is taking place in a compound where many of the inhabitants rarely, if ever, travel outside. As a result, most have never experienced anything like a campaign before. This was apparent from the level of excitement and the participation on the field tonight. The crowd, mostly young people, listened intently as I preached the Gospel. They responded to my words with wholehearted enthusiasm. The response to the invitation was overwhelming and I am sure that a huge number of them were truly born again tonight!
As the sick were prayed for, many wonderful miracles happened!
- A lady suffering with spinal cord pain for four years was healed.
- A man who had a stroke and was not able to walk very well was healed.
- A lady who couldn’t walk without crutches for years was healed.
- A boy who could not bend his leg from birth was completely healed!
- A lady walked up the steps and testified that she had suffered from a stroke 2 years ago and was unable to walk as a result, but now she is healed.
These are just a few of the many miracles Jesus did on just the first night in one of the 11 cities! I’m hearing amazing reports from all over the nation. Jesus is alive and Zambia will never be the same.
Please pray earnestly for our team here. There is great resistance, but Jesus is Lord and the gates of Hell will not prevail!
Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(Together with the whole CfaN Team)
Day 1 – George District, Zambia
In George, Evangelist Joe Turnbull preached another powerful message and prayed for the sick.

This region is mostly uninhabitable, and only a few people can survive here. In many parts of this land, you'll only come across shepherds tending to their flocks for miles and miles.
The goats, sheep, cows, or donkeys are usually herded by children who are even younger than my son Jackson (10 years old), and sometimes their younger siblings accompany them.
Operation Decapolis
It’s “go time” for Zambia!

At the end of last year, I shared with you the crisis we’ve been facing with funding for the next Operation Decapolis. To our great joy, many partners responded to that call, and that means I have some very good news today!
Decapolis means “ten cities”
Not only are we going ahead with the next Operation Decapolis in Zambia in April, but this will be our first full Decapolis, 10 five-night campaigns in 10 different venues. That’s a total of 50 meetings – and all in just two weeks. This is what we have been building up to for the last couple of years, expanding our team, our equipment and our expertise to meet the challenge.
This is a strategy that works. In the past two years, CfaN has held 21 Decapolis campaigns across Tanzania and Zambia. We have seen more than 2.7 million in attendance, with 956,980 documented salvations. We are expecting this 10-city push to be the biggest Operation Decapolis yet. In faith, we are preparing our follow-up system (with the local churches) to handle over a million new converts. Isn’t that exciting?
How to shake a nation
The vision behind Operation Decapolis is nothing less than this: to shake an entire nation with the Gospel. And that means doing so much more than the Gospel Campaigns themselves. Our team has already spent several months on the ground preparing, and over 30 people from many nations are now on site, working day and night.
In March, we will conduct a massive “Gospel Invasion” all across Zambia, with Bootcamp students and Fire Camp graduates joining us to do literally hundreds of youth outreaches. Then in April, we will be mobilizing the Gospel trucks, preaching the Gospel in markets, on the streets and everywhere we are given opportunities. Thousands will meet Jesus before the main events start.
All of this builds momentum and spreads the word leading up to the main events, taking place 26 – 30 April and 3 – 7 May. As with previous Decapolis campaigns, two guest evangelists will be stationed in each location. And I will travel to all the campaigns, preaching one night in each.
Huge church growth in Zambia
This is our second Operation Decapolis in Zambia. Our teams there have been telling me about the feedback they’re receiving from the first one (September 2022). Some churches have grown by 50%. Others have planted multiple new churches, simply from the overflow of new converts. Still others have started their own teams of evangelists, continuing to preach the Gospel in their communities. That’s the kind of nation-shaking we’re talking about!
There has been unprecedented unity and collaboration between the churches in Zambia for this, and anticipation is high. And did you know that the Vice-President of Zambia came to Christ when Reinhard Bonnke preached there in the 80’s? There is a CfaN legacy in this nation that we are building on now, forty years later.
Still a long way to go

With less than three months to go, there is still much to do. Please pray with us for these important factors:
- Pray for favor with officials as we obtain the many permits needed.
- Pray for the spouses and families of our team members. Many of them are spending months away from their loved ones.
- Pray for the church leaders and volunteers as they train and prepare.
- Pray for the Bootcamp students and Fire Camp graduates as they step into their calling.
- Pray for the provision of the remaining finances.
It is thanks to partners like you that we have been able to set the wheels in motion. Now we need to keep the wheels turning until we cross the finish line!
While we have been able to pay deposits and send our team, there is still a Goliath of costs standing before us. But you know how David took Goliath down? With the weapon the Lord gave him, a sling and a few stones. Our mission partners are our sling, and every donation, big or small, is another stone in that sling. If you are able to help us topple this giant, thank you, with all our hearts.
Together with you for the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda