Kreissparkasse Böblingen
Account No. 1037900
BSC 60350130
IBAN: DE46603501300001037900
Be the change you wish to see in the world.
Your generosity will make a difference!
The call of God
It is our prayer that this year we will experience a greater harvest of souls than ever before! We believe that every seed planted into this missions work in this year will be blessed as never before and will bear fruit for you manifold.
We thank you for standing on our side in God’s harvest!
Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN Team.
Contact & Help
Please contact our team if you have any questions or would like to make a donation by phone:
Phone: 069 - 4 78 78 0
Fax: 069 - 4 78 78 10 20
E-mail: info(at)