Thursday, 26 January 2012
A Demonstration of Power

The Apostle Paul said, “My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power” (1 Cor. 2:4)
This is what we experienced tonight in Burkina Faso – a demonstration of the power of God! Have a look at the picture of one man who was confined to this strange wheelchair for over 14 years. Tonight Jesus healed him and he can walk! Imagine the joy of the crowd when suddenly, that wheelchair/bicycle was lifted into the air and made it’s way up to the platform. I’ve included a picture that I took with my mobile phone of what it looked like from the platform.
A young man testified that he has been demon possessed for the past 6 years. Every night he said the demons would torment him. Last night, as I was praying, he said he could feel the demons stirring inside of him and since then they have not returned to torment him.
A young woman who was partially deaf and dumb was healed tonight along with an elderly lady whose hand was stiff and paralyzed for many years and others.
This morning the Fire Conference began with the local pastors and Church workers. Many of them have traveled from all over Burkina Faso to receive an impartation of the power of the Holy Spirit. This week their day of Pentecost will “fully come.”
Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with Reinhard Bonnke and the whole CfaN team