Harvest News Blog
Did you know there are outreaches happening daily all over the world, in collaboration with CfaN Evangelism Alliance members? Every week, thousands are choosing Jesus.
Bootcamp Initiation trip in Ghana
Our CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp students are on week 2 of their Initiation trip in Ghana.
They have spent their time preaching in the markets, at kid's outreaches, and using Gospel Trucks to go around the town and spread the Good News. After witnessing over 200,000 salvations, and countless miracles, the students are prepared for this weekend for our CfaN Flagship Campaign!
Please keep them in your prayers! We are believing for a mighty harvest!
Belinda Kaiser
These young men touched my heart so much, I went to talk to them a bit, I asked them if they already have a relationship with Jesus, most of them nodded their head a bit but not really clearly.
So I started talking to them about Jesus, how much he loves them, I preached to them the clear gospel and repentance from all their sins, some gifts to taking drugs, watching pornography, and having sex outside of marriage. I led them in prayer to Jesus and repentance. Wow it was so power full, Jesus and the Holy Spirit came and touched them, one of the young men had tears in his eyes.
This is my Jesus, he is the only one who can save!!!!
German Brynza ist in Kumasi
Today is the 6th day of preaching every day on the Gospel truck 2 to 3 times of preaching Jesus and praying for the sick every day.

Evangelist Roman Nechay in Kambodscha
The longest job I had was for 3 months. I worked at Chick-fil-A, Microsoft, and Philips. None of the jobs would satisfy me. I knew there was more in life than the goal of achieving wealth.
Last year I graduated CfaN evangelism bootcamp I went into the mission field as a public speaker for children. I had one goal: to speak of Jesus. I would begin to lead thousands to the cross of Christ. I loved it. It was a joy and pleasure to serve the Lord.
This year I have been a full-time evangelist for 9 months, and by God's grace I desire to continue as long as possible. It's better than any job I have had. The impact will ring for all eternity.
Operation Decapolis
In one week, we conducted 25 nights of campaigns! I’m talking about MASSIVE Gospel Campaigns in 5 different cities across the nation SIMULTANEOUSLY, resulting in HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF SALVATIONS and countless testimonies!
Have a look at this picture which shows one drone shot of each night's campaign in each city. Hopefully, it will give you a sense of the scale of what we have just experienced!
Beira, Mozambique
Randy Roberts, who is a CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp graduate, is in Beira, Mozambique and starting the second 'Partnership Campaign' with CfaN, from the 15 - 18 September
David Rotärmel and Ben Fitzgerald
Last weekend, David Rotärmel and a team of Bootcamp graduates trained by Evangelist Daniel Kolenda held a “Nights of Hope” Gospel Campaign in Black Forest, Germany.
Ben Fitzgerald from Awakening Europe and David both preached clear gospel messages with over 8000 people in attendance! They saw many incredible miracles and 600 salvations!
Day 4 – Jinja, Uganda
Thank you so much for your faithfulness in coming with us with your prayers and finances to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to these beautiful people. We would be unable to do what we do if you didn’t do your part.
Evangelist Randy Roberts – Jinja, Uganda
Day 4 – 100,000 people praising Jesus for all He’s done
I want to thank Evangelist Daniel Kolenda for having a vision and the courage to follow that vision!
Before I came to the Christ for all Nations Evangelism Bootcamp, the most people I had ever preached to was 2500, and that was one time. I was always thankful for the 300-500 people crowds I would preach to, but I wanted to be more effective.
Now, just two years later, Reverend Peter Vandenberg and I just left a field with 100,000 people rejoicing for what Jesus had done in their city!
Thank you both (most importantly, Jesus!) for teaching me, training me, and making me more effective!
The Decade of Double Harvest is truly upon us!
As Reverend Vandenberg and I left the field last night, we knew God was moving mightily in Jinja. The crusade had been reported on through many newscasts, and we had received several communications from both local and national leaders because they had heard what was happening in Jinja. Yet, I was still overwhelmed when we arrived on the Crusade field tonight to a crowd that had almost doubled from the previous night! My heart was bursting watching these precious people dancing and rejoicing!
I preached a simple Gospel message (that Evangelist Kolenda taught me) on the law of salvation, and thousands surrendered their lives to our King Jesus!
Delivered from witchcraft
Reverend Vandenberg wrote to you about all the witchcraft or “juju” the people brought last night. Well, tonight, they brought even more. They brought so much we had to light the 55-gallon drums on fire twice! Multiple people were delivered as the witchcraft went up in smoke.
The healing testimony line was so long that I couldn’t see the end of it.
Evangelist Randy Roberts in Jinja, Uganda
Day 4 – "Here are a couple of my favorite healing testimonies"
A lady had tumors in her stomach for eight years. The pain was so debilitating that she was unable to walk without assistance and was completely unable to bend at her waist at all. Her grandson brought her to the crusade because he had seen the miracles Jesus was doing on the field. Jesus healed her, and when she came to the platform to testify, she and I touched our toes and then ran across the stage as the crowd praised Jesus!
Another lady had an accident ten years ago with a “Boda Boda” (motorcycle), and her leg was badly damaged. She has a big scar running the length of her thigh. She couldn’t stand up or walk on her own. She was not even able to stand up for the healing prayer, but after the prayer, she got up on her own and began to dance. Then she came to the stage to give the glory to Jesus and dance with me!
What a transforming week it has been!
Thank you so much for your faithfulness in coming with us with your prayers and finances to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to these beautiful people. We would be unable to do what we do if you didn’t do your part.
Day 3 – Jinja, Uganda
Revival is here in Jinja, Uganda!
Jinja, Uganda by CfaN Vice President, Peter Vandenberg and Evangelist Randy Roberts
Day 3 – Great Jubilation and Freedom of the Enemies Lies
The big crowd, which gathered for the campaign meeting, had brought bags full of witchcraft items to be burned. This was because they received Jesus as their Savior the night before and no longer believe the lies of the devil.
Two large barrels near the platform were made ready with all the idols, amulets, and potions placed inside to be burnt with fire. As the flames flared up, great joy and jubilation broke out across the crowd, and worshippers streamed forward to dance in joy around the burning barrels. The atmosphere was filled with victory, deliverance, and joy.
Evangelist Randy Roberts then preached on restitution from the story of Zacchaeus in the Bible. The crowd was fully engaged in this vital message. Thousands responded to the call of salvation at the end of the message. Thousands more pledged to make restitution for past sins and injustices and to live clean and righteous lives.
Right after the altar call and short teaching, the crowd was invited to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit. After prayer, the power of God fell, and tens of thousands were filled with the Holy Spirit and were praising the Lord in new tongues.
Blind eyes opened
A prayer was given for healing, and people who had felt the touch of God in their bodies came forward to testify to their healing and to give glory to God. There are way too many testimonies to report here, but one outstanding story was told by a woman who had traveled from across the border to be at the campaign. This woman had been unable to see at all for the past three months after extended eye problems. She said she tried everything and spent a lot of money with doctors and witchdoctors, but her eyesight deteriorated. A Christian woman, who did not know her but saw her need, offered to pay for her trip to the campaign. She came, and tonight she spoke in tongues for the first time and was completely healed. Praise the Lord!
When it came time to close the meeting, no one wanted to leave after experiencing the joy of salvation and the demonstration of God’s power. Eventually, the crowd began to disperse, singing and dancing as they went.
Thank you to all of you who have helped us make this amazing campaign happen by praying for us and supporting the work in finance. We know that you share in the blessings as much as we do.
Reverend Peter Vandenberg
Day 2 – Jinja, Uganda
Reverend Peter Vandenberg and Evangelist Randy Roberts
History being Made on Earth and in Heaven
Today the ministers Fire Conference here in Jinja, Uganda, came to a wonderful climax as the power of God flooded the place with thousands of Pastors and church workers receiving a new outpouring for service. The impartation received at Fire Conference will go with them in changing the lives of many in the future.
In the campaign meeting tonight, history was made right in front of our eyes!
What happened is this; In 1990, a CfaN campaign with Reinhard Bonnke here in Jinja, Uganda, was violently stopped by the military on orders of the then state governor. Reinhard Bonnke dusted the “dust off his shoes,” in accordance with scripture, as we were chased away. Some months later, reports filtered in of failed rains in the region, economic failures, and the amazing fact that the governor concerned became insane and was removed from office.
Now tonight in 2022, 32 years later, just before Randy Roberts preached the gospel in the meeting on the very same campaign site as before, the minister of state for Uganda, who comes from this region, came to the campaign meeting officially to make a speech. The purpose of this speech was to repent before CfaN and God on behalf of the region and the government for what happened to us here and for their rejection of the gospel in 1990. He knelt down on the platform and asked us to release them by forgiveness. I took the microphone and accepted the repentance and publicly forgave them. The crowd went wild with jubilation, and it was deeply moving. Then we prayed for him and the people of Jinja.
It was historic, heralding a new era of God's blessing for the land.
After this, Randy Roberts preached a powerful gospel message, and thousands accepted Jesus as their savior.
A prayer for healing was given, many sick people were healed, and the name of Jesus was lifted high.
The gospel is powerful, and we say thank you to all of you who make these amazing happenings possible by supporting us and praying for us as we go into all the world to preach the gospel.
Evangelist Randy Roberts
Greetings from Jinja Uganda
The Gospel Campaign week started on a Wednesday night at a dinner that is typically reserved for local bishops and pastors. But this time, it also included every local leader as well as the second-highest-ranking politician in the country of Uganda, The First Prime Minister of Uganda and Prime Minister of East African affairs, and The Right Honourable Mama Kadaga.
They had all gathered to welcome Reverend Peter Van Den Berg (CfaN Vice President), myself, and the CfaN Gospel Campaign, team. More importantly, to honor God and express their sincere gratitude that He had chosen Jinja for a Great Gospel Campaign!
You see, CfaN has a history here in Jinja, and it is one that is well remembered by the local people. We were here in 1990, and for one of the few times in CfaN history, we were shut down by the police on the second night of the Gospel Campaign. It was only one night of thousands of preaching the Gospel over the years, but it has stuck with us, and apparently, it has also stayed in the minds of the people of Jinja.
1 Samuel 2:30, God says, “…those that honor me, I will honor”.
Well, Jinja has honored God by welcoming Him with their open arms and hearts. And faithful to His Word, He honored them with His mighty presence on the field on the first night of the Gospel Campaign.
We had powerful and joyful worship, then a clear gospel message was preached, with many responding to the call to salvation! After this, we prayed for the sick. There were so many amazing miracles and healings that took place. PRAISE GOD FOREVER!
We know that Jesus is going to “reveal Himself” to thousands upon thousands more here in Jinja this week. It is only possible because you partner with us as we carry out the Great Commission to GO into all the world and preach the good news of Jesus Christ! Thank you!
Thank you for coming with us with your prayers and financial support, and we’ll talk to you soon with more beautiful stories from Jinja!
Together in the harvest,
Evangelist Randy Roberts
Radical Walk Ministries
Evangelist Randy Roberts
One testimony, in particular, stood out for me, and I want to share it with you today….

A lady came to the Gospel Campaign field as a Muslim woman and also one that was completely deaf from the time she was in the fourth grade. She explained to us that she had prayed almost daily as a Muslim for healing, but nothing would ever happen. Then tonight, she came looking for a healing, and after I prayed for the sick, her ears suddenly opened, and she was overwhelmed by the sound of the worship and people around her. Then the most important thing that could ever happen to any of us happened!! With tears in her eyes (and if I’m honest, mine too), this precious lady told the whole city of Jinja that “as my hearing returned, Jesus revealed Himself to me, and I have accepted Him as my Lord and Savior.” HALLELUJAH!
This is no small thing for a Muslim woman to publicly declare that she is now a follower of Jesus, and it is the exact reason we work tirelessly in Gospel Campaign preparation and preaching the Gospel!
Evangelist Randy Roberts
Gospel Campaign preparation in Jinja, Uganda
Over 300 Youth Outreaches in the first 3 weeks!
Macoby Donaldson
Evangelist Macoby Donaldson shares a brief report from Rwanda, where tens of thousands have made the decision to follow Jesus in recent weeks.
Josiah Schluckebier and Team
The past two days have been so amazing and fruitful! 16 Youth Outreaches – Total Salvations- 2,144

East Africa
New consignment of CfaN youth campaign books arrived today
Super people!
Translators for some of the CfaN teams in Uganda this Monday

Marie Tsuruda with Jennifer Elizabeth Whitaker, Michael Job and Yannick Massanell
Rwanda Gospel Campaign 90 second recap
Marie Tsuruda with Michael Job and Yannick Massanell
Our Rwanda Gospel Campaign ended with approximately 30,000 attendees for all four nights in total. With over 10,000 saved if you count all the kids, but officially 9501 documented decisions for Jesus!

Kaisa Koistinen
This week, my team shared the Gospel with around 15,000 children, and 11,000 of them made a decision for Jesus.
My day just ended. It was really good but very challenging! At the second school, high up in the mountains, it started to storm. And the tiny dirt road became complete mush. It was so dangerous. The car was slipping all over the place. It took over two hours until we were safely back down, and we were all sopping wet and covered in mud. I had to tell the men what to do to drive us down there. We grabbed stones and dug holes with them to stop the car sliding further down… a real adventure. There were 25 men helping us during those two hours and at the end, all of them got saved. This week, my team shared the Gospel with around 15,000 children, and 11,000 of them made a decision for Jesus. And that was in just five days!
Joe Turnbull
Heading to Krakow, Poland to minister

Over the last 24 hours God has orchestrated a team to be the hands and feet of Jesus in this critical time. Many are asking what we are going to do but the secret is we are asking Jesus what he wants to do. He has already made a way and has a divine plan. People are on the ground right now loading up vans with food and supplies headed to the borders!
Jennifer Whitaker
Thousands of children are getting saved

Yesterday our team traveled up a very large mountaintop, determined to get the message of the Gospel to the children. I believe many of them had never even heard of the name of Jesus.
Andrew Ryvko with Team in Rwanda

Samuel Hoernle
A broken knee healed

Thousands of kids are proclaiming and confessing Jesus as lord. To see this is one of the greatest privileges of our times. One outstanding testimony was of a young boy who got healed in his knee. A day before a motorbike hit him and the translator said that it was broken. After we prayed for him, he started to test it out. In the beginning he still felt pain but the more steps he takes it got better and better. In the end he was running around totally healed. After that many people who were standing around gave their lives to Jesus.
Tabitha Glasscock
CfaN Bootcamp gave me the tools I needed
I went into bootcamp having no real ministry background and not even being confident of my calling or ability to preach the Word of God. I was starting from the ground floor. However, the invaluable time that I spent in the CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp not only trained me on the ins and outs of preaching a clear and concise Gospel message, but it also gave me the skills and confidence needed to be able to do it in the midst of a hectic and ever-changing schedule.
We have more than 3000 youth outreaches planned for this small country in Africa

Marie Tsuruda
No opportunity wasted
Travel Testimony time: I led 13 adults in Dubai to Jesus on my layover to Rwanda, plus 3 Muslim kids and their mom too! I went undercover witnessing in a dozen or so “nations” at this World’s Fair type event showcasing 190 nations. I just went up to whomever God led me to, presented the Gospel using Jesus at the Door, Evangacube, prophetic witnessing style and saw people saved and healed, just whatever worked and saw the bathroom attendant saved pictured here, the lady picking up trash at the food, one person who said she had prayed God would speak to her today or she was going to take her life in depression. When I saw her, God gave me a prophetic message that just wrapped heaven around her heart in the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit. I forgot to count my bus driver who I had an empty bus ride for an hour and he got born again and filled with the Holy Spirit while driving me alone on a huge bus. The harvest is ripe!
The sun is rising in Africa now. Please pray for the CfaN teams on the ground today, it makes all the difference.

Macoby Donaldson
53 Outreaches in Korogwe, Tanzania
Several of these evangelists had never preached the gospel or prayed for the sick in front of thousands of people before but because of the training they received at Bootcamp they were well equipped, and they executed it to perfection! It’s one thing to talk about a “Decade of Double Harvest” but it’s something different entirely to hear a strategy from the Lord and put that plan into action.
Daniel Smenes
Korogwe Gospel Campaign
As I´m writing this I have just returned back to the hotel after a very successful first evening of our Gospel Campaign. It is our first Campaign in a very long time and for us that made it even more special.
As the evening progressed, we felt like the city was on our doorstep and the joy during praise and worship was really incredible. As I grabbed the microphone the people of Korogwe was hanging onto every single word that I preached. I could really sense that when I was lifting up Jesus that He was drawing towards Himself with a mighty pull.
As I prayed for the sick, we saw many mighty miracles:
- Esther had reduced hearing on both ears. No medicine was of any help to her and her mother was having problems communicating to her. As we prayed, Jesus unstopped both her ears, and as we tested her ears, she could hear us all well!
- Saum Bella came to the field unable to stand and walk. Since she had malaria, she had not been walking for one and a half years. This night she was walking up on the platform, standing there giving Jesus the glory for her miracle!
- A young Muslim lady came boldly to the stage. She had seen our posters and felt that she should come to the field this night to be healed. She had a chest pain and could not sleep well at night because of it. No medicine or any doctor could help her. She felt a great release during prayer and was totally healed.
Macoby Donaldson
Korogwe, Tanzania
I just got back from the field where I was able to visit a Gospel Campaign put on by some of the CfaN Bootcamp graduates of the Spring 2021 Bootcamp class. To see this team of evangelists that didn’t know each other just a few months ago, now working together, like a family, to win thousands to Christ is certainly one of the most pure and hopeful things I’ve witnessed on the mission field.
Our youth outreaches teams have now conducted 353 CfaN Youth Outreaches in Rwanda since the start of the year.

Randy Roberts
Preparing the ground – collaboration campaigns

Started the day at the Indian Ocean preparing for a Gospel Campaign with Denis Artyushevskiy in Beira, Mozambique and ended it looking at the Atlantic Ocean with Bishop Mulisa James as we begin to prepare the ground in Luanda, Angola .
Beira September 2022
Luanda October 2022
“….behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” John 4:35
Paula Saari
This picture is from this morning. Over 3000 youth hearing the Good News of Jesus.

Andrew Ryvko leading the growing CfaN Youth Outreach team in Rwanda