Salvations, miracles, and healings in Freiburg
“This is what Reinhard Bonnke dreamed of in 2011 – young people on the streets of Germany. It’s more than an initiative, it’s a fulfillment of the vision.”
– Herbert Fischer – CfaN Germany Director
Southern Germany is being transformed by the Gospel through Nights of Hope. Salvations, miracles, and healings rocked Freiburg as teams flooded the city for several months and then led an evangelistic event on 15-18 June 2023, in collaboration with the local churches. 501 people gave their “yes” to Jesus. This is the greatest miracle!
Nights of Hope (NOH) events are run by Reviving the World, led by Bootcamp graduate and CfaN Evangelist David Rotärmel. CfaN partnered with this event bringing the sound system and technicians, and many CfaN evangelists joined the team. In planning NOH, David felt from the Lord to follow the CfaN African model. The program was the same with worship, the Gospel message, an altar call, praying for the sick, and testimonies. They used open-air locations so even people outside the event could hear the Gospel. The results were also the same with many running forward for salvation and testifying of mighty healing miracles. Glory be to Jesus!
David Rotärmel
Vision for Nights of Hope

“Our vision is to bring as many people as possible to the foot of the cross, surrendering everything to Jesus. When the Lord speaks, we need to obey. We can’t listen to naysayers; we need to think outside the box to grab hold of what God shows us. Daniel Kolenda taught us to jump on the glory train of what God is doing; then our work is blessed from the beginning. As I followed the vision for NOH, the provision came, including team members. This event was possible because of the incredible heroes leading each area with excellence. It takes an army to win a city.
God spoke about doing NOH in Freiburg and highlighted prayer, evangelism, and discipleship. Local leaders sensed the same three things. One church offered their parking lot, where we held Gospel tent revival meetings, including 10 days of prayer. The Holy Spirit broke through powerfully, especially on Pentecost weekend. As I preached on walking by the Spirit, the Holy Spirit came like a fiery hurricane, transforming hearts! When we faced opposition, especially in getting permits, these confirmations helped us stay steadfast.
After seeing so many salvations and miracles in Africa, I know the same is possible in Europe, and we are seeing it! The Gospel is really all it takes – it’s our priority.”
Before the event: Gospel Invasion and Discipleship
David Rotärmel and several core team leaders arrived in Freiburg in February. Yannick Massanell led the Gospel Invasion, the pre-campaign evangelism, and Hannes Jakobi led discipleship initiatives. They reached out to local pastors and leaders inviting everyone to join Nights of Hope.

Our goal was to build with all the churches who wanted to be on board and plant new believer groups in as many churches as possible. My team and I met weekly with the new believers one-on-one for coffee or at their homes, then invited them to the new believer groups to learn next steps to walk with Jesus.
– Hannes Jakobi (Bootcamp Graduate)
CfaN Africa Director John Darku says that a properly organized campaign will put the whole region into revival before it even begins. That was the vision for NOH. They did “Empowerment Weekend” evangelism trainings at local churches and held many outreaches. They also started two new believer groups at local churches and led youth initiatives, experiencing a deep presence of the Lord. Many were equipped to reach their city.

“It touched my life to see local church members stepping out in faith and leading people to the Lord. Johannes attended an Empowerment Weekend and when we hit the streets, we saw three young men. One had shoulder pain and another back pain. He prayed for them, and they were both healed! Then he preached the Gospel and led them to Jesus. A local guy from the church getting equipped, going out, carrying the baton of the Gospel, and bringing light to the fallen world – this is what we came for!”
– Yannick Massanell (Bootcamp Graduate)

501 Documented Decisions for Christ during outreaches and main event
Day One – Jesus is King over Freiburg!
On Thursday, over a hundred people marched through Freiburg worshipping, declaring the power of Jesus, and promoting NOH. Everyone was rejoicing, full of faith! The Jesus March ended in the city center, where evangelists Jaye Smith and Virginia Logan preached the crystal-clear Gospel for all to hear. Jesus is King over Freiburg!
The Jesus March was a historic moment for Freiburg. There are demonstrations every day but none about Jesus. The local churches don’t usually do things like this. Some were a little nervous, but when we started marching and singing, they felt boldness and loved it.
– Polina Sagaydak (Bootcamp Graduate)
Night One: The excitement was palpable
The teams had been on the streets for months, reaching the lost and inviting everyone to NOH. Finally, the event began! David Rotärmel preached a message of freedom. Our generation has tried everything, but true freedom only comes through Jesus Christ. David urged everyone who did not know Jesus to run forward. There were 31 documented decisions for Christ, including one precious Muslim woman in her hijab, weeping as she met her Savior. Virginia Logan then preached on healing. Miracles began to break out throughout the crowds. Jonathan’s sore shoulder could move again, pain-free, and Nicole was healed from severe stomach pain that caused weight loss and nausea.
The event is called Nights of Hope because all our hope is in Jesus Christ and His power to save, heal, and deliver!
Day Two: “What’s so Bad about Good?”
The NOH team and local church members hit the streets on Friday inviting everyone to the campaign. In some parks and plazas, it was hard to find someone without a bright red NOH flier in hand. Night Two began with ecstatic praise and dancing – there was so much to celebrate already. Ben Fitzgerald (Awakening Europe) preached a message called “What’s so Bad about Good?” Throughout society, history, and culture, the standards keep shifting, but the Bible clearly tells us that only Jesus is good. He is the standard. As Ben gave the altar call, 54 people ran forward to make a bold decision that will change their lives forever! Two large metal trash bins stood ready to receive everything holding people in bondage. Many wrote down their struggles and threw them in. Others tossed in cigarettes, occult items, or drugs. The flames destroyed every trace of bondage. Jesus also healed scoliosis, depression, carpel tunnel, knee pain, and more.
Day Three

Virginia Logan, Derek Berchie, and I led a training on one-to-one evangelism, open-air preaching, and the urgency of the Gospel. We do similar training in the UK. Here, we did a compact version to train, equip, and send people out immediately. It was great to see people sharing the Gospel, preaching on the streets, and leading people to Christ. It felt like we were taking over the whole city. Two guys I approached, Alex and Max, said someone had already spoken to them. I pointed out that out of thousands of people, God chose them twice. They were touched and gave their lives to Christ!
– Jaye Smith (Bootcamp Graduate)

Day Four: Jesus got the victory in Freiburg!
Sunday morning started with a church service where local churches were invited to join in unity for their city. That evening, we gathered in Seepark, a large local park. The sound system carried worship and the Gospel far and wide. When Ben Fitzgerald preached, he directed his message to everyone who could hear him, including people in a distant tower. Many ran forward for the altar call, and some in the tower waved their arms to give Jesus their “yes.” One special testimony came from Eva who was saved on Friday. On Sunday, she brought her sister, who also received Jesus. Their dad, a pastor, was there celebrating! Healings broke out when we prayed for the sick, and people threw their bondage into the burn bins. We ended the night worshipping and dancing. Jesus got the victory in Freiburg!

David is a good friend, and our hearts became close. We complement each other: we need the evangelists, and they need us. The church needs the boldness and spirit they bring. This is why we are part of NOH. We need each other to reach the lost and change this region.
– ICF Pastor Stefan Rescigno
It was amazing to see evangelists from all over the world coming together in Freiburg, working together to make NOH possible. It was stretching in many ways, but every minute of time and every tear invested was so worth it because we saw the results!
– Diana Wagner, Executive Assistant to the Crusade Director
The Lord is raising up young people in Germany to catch the wind of His Spirit. People like David have seen the harvest in Africa. They’ve seen fields full. They’ve seen healings and salvations. And they are hearing the Lord say, “I want to do it here too!” Fire is all over Europe. Prayers of the saints of old who have been crying out have reached God’s ears. He is coming again to harvest in Europe!
– Jim Whitley, Prophetic Director, Nations Church, Orlando, Florida
“Everything we do in this life will end. Only what we do for Jesus will remain.”
–Virginia Logan (Bootcamp Graduate)