Uganda // 24 June – 15 July, 2024
11 Campaigns in Weeks 3 to 5
In weeks 3 to 5 of our time in Uganda this year, CfaN-affiliated evangelists (Bootcamp graduates) made good use of CfaN equipment and staff by conducting another 11 campaigns in nearby towns. This gave even more people the opportunity to hear the Gospel, blanketing entire regions with the Good News.
Bidibidi Refugee Settlement, Uganda // 9 – 15 July, 2024
Bidibidi Refugee Settlement Camp CfaN Campaigns

Evangelists Michael Job, Angelin Kouadio, Julian Reddihough, Marie Davis, Jimmy Walsh, Julia Goldberg and Roxie Adam
The five CfaN campaigns that occurred in the Bidibidi Refugee Settlement Camp in Northern Uganda were miraculous! God’s hand moved powerfully amongst the over 270,000 South Sudanese refugees. In an Arabic culture which was 80% Muslim, God confirmed his Word with faith, love, and miracles accompanying the preaching of the gospel. Because the refugee camp is over 250 square kilometers in size and spread out into 5 different zones, with some of the zones having a population of 57,000 people, we decided to do 5 gospel campaigns. We did one campaign in each of the 5 different zones. Some of the zones are far away from each other, and the refugees are very spread out across the refugee camp.
People would walk for hours to get to the 5 major gospel campaigns, 5 evangelistic training conferences, 5 women’s conferences, and 5 fire conferences located within their zone. In addition to this we did 36 youth campaigns in which the majority of the children were Muslim. Most of the refugees were from the South Sudan and many experienced the wars that have terrorized the country in past decades. In a culture that is 84% women and children, and extremely poor, God accomplished a mighty work of salvation and healing.
In total, with the 5 campaigns, 5 women’s conferences, 5 evangelistic trainings, 5 fire conferences, 36 youth campaigns, and 1 village outreach we had a combined attendance of 69,875 amongst 66 outreaches, with a combined total decision count of 33,169. Praise the Lord! These refugees will never be the same.
Kaliro, Uganda
Report on the Campaign in Kaliro, Southeast Uganda by Waldemar Berscheminski (Lead Evangelist)
Evangelists Waldemar Berscheminski, Reuben Convey and Moses Ajibade
Kaliro, a city in Southeast Uganda, has long been known for its deep-rooted practices of witchcraft. Over 20 percent of the populace maintain altars in their homes dedicated to devil worship, and the area hosts over 350 licensed witchdoctors. This pervasive presence of witchcraft has significant negative impacts on the community. One year ago, witchdoctors held a campaign near the ground where we recently conducted our campaign, during which attendees were influenced by smoking mysterious substances, leading to manifestations of evil and the renouncement of Jesus. Our mission in Kaliro was to combat these works of the devil and bring the light of the gospel to this afflicted city.
In preparation for the campaign, I visited several schools where many young people accepted Jesus Christ. I also ventured into the homes of some witches. They openly showed me their gods and places of worship, explaining their rituals. I boldly proclaimed that my God is more powerful than their demons and assured them that repentance would bring forgiveness and eternal life through Jesus. My prayers touched them deeply, and they even promised to attend the campaign.
The campaign was a significant event, fostering unity among the churches in Kaliro and leading to the salvation and healing of many.
Soroti, Uganda
Report Soroti Aftermath Campaign by Daniel Smenes
Evangelists Katrin & Daniel Smenes, Lukas Abildsten and Kaisa Fischer
As we were about to start with the gospel campaign, there was a major national sports event occupying our campaign field, even though we had the permit to be there. It really didn’t look good at first but when we finally got started after a major delay, thousands of people came together to hear the gospel. Throughout the whole week we saw a steady increase of people coming to hear the word of God. We witnessed mighty miracles every night. On the fourth night when we prayed for the infilling of the Holy Spirit, people were so touched by God all over the field. At this moment we saw dozens of powerful demonic deliverances happening, and the deliverance tent was packed to capacity as the evil spirits had to leave and give space for the Holy Spirit to make his home in this precious people. Soroti has been shaken and we know for sure that the city will never ever be the same again, in Jesus’ name!
Tororo, Uganda // 3 – 7 July, 2024
Tororo Aftermath Campaign by Gabriel Garcia
Evangelists Brittany and Neil Sanderlin, Gabriel Garcia and Michael Job
Tororo is a small bush town in Eastern Uganda. It is predominantly Muslim and often skipped by missionaries because of its small size. Local pastors relate that campaigns are often done in the bigger nearby cities and Tororo is left forgotten. A feeling of hopelessness pervaded the town. However, Jesus did not forget His beloved people of Tororo. A team of evangelists from the CfaN Evangelism Alliance (EA) felt the call of God to go to Tororo and organize a CfaN campaign. Together with 17 other EV evangelists, they flooded Tororo with Youth Campaigns resulting in 103,118 souls being saved before the campaign started.
When the campaign began, all the bishops and pastors of the town who participated in the campaign were impressed by the high attendance of the campaign compared to other similar events. Nothing like this had ever happened in Tororo. It became evident that the Lord was drawing the people of the small town. Every night of the campaign was special, and God brought breakthroughs to different areas of people’s lives. One night was particularly extraordinary. The Glory of God was tangible Saturday night as people were visibly affected by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Tororo, Uganda
Paul came to testify of his miraculous healing. He showed us his right leg which bears the scars of a terrible accident. In 1996 his leg was run over by a vehicle.
His shin was bent left at an angle of 180 degrees and his knee was unable to bend. Paul testified that during the prayer for the sick on day one of the campaign, his leg began to straighten. Each day he came to the campaign, his leg would straighten a bit more. By Saturday, his leg was straight, and he could run and jump for the first time in many years!
Pabo, Uganda
Pabo Aftermath Campaign by Ian McClure
Evangelists CD Ian McClure, Helen McClure, and Nick Booth
We held a transformative five-day campaign at Pabo Town Council Open Space, Amuru District, Uganda. This region has been known for its spiritual darkness, witchcraft, rebellion and the years of devastation and spiritual confusion caused by the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) led by Joseph Kony.
The first night 15,000 people turned out and we saw over 3,000 people make decisions for Christ. This continued even till the last night of the campaign where 35,000 people attended and there were over 5,000 personal decisions for Jesus! The CfaN Campaign in Pabo had a huge impact upon the whole Acholi District. Through the Gospel Invasion, 42,880 children made a personal decision for Jesus followed by 24,875 personal decisions during the five nights of our Pabo campaign. In all 67,755 souls were saved through this CfaN campaign.
Pabo, Uganda
Rose Acayo was tormented by demons. For 10 years she had demonic attacks and heaviness. She was delivered from the demons at the campaign and has not had a demonic attack since.

Masindi, Uganda
Report Masindi Aftermath Campaign by Billy Jenkins
Evangelists Julian Reddihough, Joshua Samuel, Jared Cisneros, and Billy Jenkins.
We witnessed a mighty move of God in Masindi, Uganda. One of the significant challenges in Masindi is that it is known as the witchcraft capital of Uganda. Our battle is not against flesh and blood but is a spiritual war. As a result, we faced heavy opposition. However, night after night, we saw Jesus gain the victory.
Before the campaign, we brought 16 local Fire Camp-trained evangelists to join us in a Gospel Invasion. Our team conducted 316 outreaches in markets, prisons, and youth campaigns, preaching the Gospel to 111,092 people, with 75,934 giving their lives to Jesus.
Local evangelists joined us
A remarkable aspect of this invasion was that we funded the local evangelists to join us. They ate with us, prayed with us, and preached with us for two weeks straight. This allowed us to walk in CfaN’s dream of multiplication. The local evangelists thanked us for helping them fulfill the call God had on their lives. Our team was able to open doors for these evangelists, just as CfaN has done for us. One of the evangelists began to see miracles for the first time. While preaching the Gospel and praying for the sick in the markets, she witnessed her second miracle ever: a mute and deaf man heard and spoke for the first time.
Masindi, Uganda
Abuo Betty used to read the Bible for the church every Sunday, but six years ago, she developed eye complications and couldn’t read anymore.

After we prayed for her, she was healed by Jesus and can now read well. She shared evidence with us on stage by reading our new believers' book.
Lubaga District, Uganda
CfaN Campaign Report – Lubaga District, Uganda
Evangelists SD Brady Liette, Daniel Wolfenburger, Jasper Kim, Delton Acheampong, and Brandon Pounds.
From June 24th to June 30th, we held a transformative seven-day campaign at Lungujja Playground in Lubaga District, Kampala, Uganda. This area, known for its spiritual darkness, is strategically located between a mosque and a witch doctor’s shrine. Led by the Holy Spirit, we brought the light of the Gospel to this place, despite not having the largest crowd, with attendance ranging from 1,200 to 2,500 each night. The total number in attendance was 11,500, the total number of adult decisions was 2,427, and the total number of kids’ decision was 2,780 for a total Salvation count of 5,207. The miracles and testimonies we witnessed were nothing short of miraculous.
Lubaga District, Uganda
Katherine, who had suffered from a rare, generational allergy since she was two years old, was told by doctors that there was no cure.

She had to wear a mask constantly and struggled with depression. Her sister dragged her to the campaign, where she felt a change. The following night, she returned and, as she shouted “Hallelujah,” her allergies were completely healed. With tears of joy, she shared her testimony, declaring that Jesus Christ had healed her.