Final Day
A glorious conclusion
The last meeting of our campaign here in Brazzaville, Congo has just come to an end. Daniel Kolenda preached from Romans 8:1-2: “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.” How beautiful it was to see so many thousands taking hold of the freedom that Jesus Christ brings.

Daniel spoke about healing and then prayed, and soon we were joined on stage by many who had experienced God’s healing touch in their bodies. One man told us that he had been injured when a wall collapsed on him, and in the first meeting on Thursday night, he was healed - but he waited for the final meeting, to be sure that he was truly healed, and gave his testimony with great joy, convinced of the power of God. He was not the only one to have been healed on the very first night, who made sure of their testimony before coming to share it with us.
One man, who was formerly insane, was brought by his wife who said that after the prayer on Thursday night, her husband had returned to his right mind. He said on Saturday evening that during the prayer, he suddenly felt something like electricity surging through his body. Suddenly his mind became clear and he was totally well.
Another one was a young lady with a lung disease, who came to testify of her healing which she also received on Thursday night. She had recently been to the doctor and had received X-Rays and a doctor’s report confirming her disease. After she felt the power of God come over her body on Thursday, all pain left. She went back to the doctor the next day, and he took more X-Rays and did more tests. Finally, he asked which hospital she had been to before and who the doctor was. He said he could find no trace of her sickness and gave her a clean bill of health. On Saturday night, she brought her doctor with her, and he confirmed her healing.
It was truly a glorious week, with many thousands of salvations and healings. As the campaign drew to a close, we asked local pastors to join us on stage, and Peter Vandenberg led us in praying for the many prayer requests that filled two big boxes. Finally, Daniel prayed a blessing over the entire country of the Republic of the Congo. The enemy didn’t want us here, but God’s plan would not be thwarted for the precious people of this nation.
Now we turn our attention back to Nigeria as our team prepares for a long and arduous journey back through very difficult and dangerous terrain. Please keep them and us in your prayers.
Together with you in the Harvest,
Your CfaN team
Pictures by O. Volyk
P.S. There are still many costs to be covered, from the follow-up of new converts, to the long journey our team must make back to Nigeria. We would greatly appreciate your continued financial support, and as always, we covet your prayers.
My donation for the campaign in Brazzaville