Operation Decapolis – Zambia
The Power of the Cross
Levi Lutz shared with us:
I will never forget what our team experienced in Chawama. I was accompanied in this campaign by my co-Evangelist Brittany Sanderlin with many other Bootcamp Graduates on our team. It was so amazing to see these incredible men and women of God, who not long ago were students in the CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp being mentored by Evangelist Kolenda and myself, now standing shoulder to shoulder next to us on the harvest field.

Night after night, the Spirit of the Lord moved so powerfully in Chawama. The crowd grew dramatically from one night to the next and each night thousands, both young and old, made first-time decisions for Christ and received Jesus as Lord and Savior!We not only saw multitudes saved in Chawama, but those who were demon possessed or oppressed by witchcraft found freedom as devils were cast out and demons began to flee at the mighty name of Jesus!
My friend, I can tell you this… The Gospel still has the power to save, heal, deliver, and set free. The Cross of Calvary has not lost one drop of power, and the previous blood of Jesus is still flowing. We are living in the greatest days of history right now!

Irene came on the first night, hoping for a miracle. Although she was 4 months pregnant, the baby had died, and she was given medication to hasten the miscarriage. But during the prayer for the sick on Night One, she felt movement in her belly. On the second night, she came to testify that she had been to the doctor, and he confirmed her baby is alive!

Together with you for the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(here with the worldwide CfaN Team)