
3 Campaigns in Week 1

In our first week in Uganda, CfaN is conducting mass Gospel Campaigns in Hoima, Lira and Busia. Evangelist Daniel Kolenda will travel and preach in all of them, while Bootcamp Graduate evangelists preach on the other nights.

Day 5 – Lira, Uganda

CfaN Gospel Campaign – Lira, Uganda

Day 5

Tonight was the final night of the first week of our campaign here in East Africa where 15 Gospel Campaigns are being conducted in Uganda alone! 

Hoima, Uganda
Hoima, Uganda
Lira, Uganda
Lira, Uganda
Busia, Uganda
Busia, Uganda

This week we have been busy with the first three Gospel Campaigns, and we will conduct four more in the second week.

In each city, the dynamics have been amazing. The crowds are growing night after night. Remarkable testimonies of healing and deliverance are pouring in.

Bootcamp Initiation

The Bootcamp students alone have already documented nearly 80,000 decisions (they’ve been here on their Initiation Trip for the last two weeks)!

They have been preaching in hundreds of schools, street corners and markets. Waves of salvation are crashing on the nation and Jesus is being exalted in Uganda!

Day 5 – Lira, Uganda

From the city of Lira, Evangelist Daniel Smenes writes:

"I came up on the platform tonight to be greeted by a massive crowd from the city of Lira, dancing so wildly that dust erupted like incense to God all over the field. As I preached the Gospel tonight, I could see the people intently hanging on to every word I said. When I gave the altar call, hands went up all over the field and my heart swelled as I heard them call on the name of Jesus."

Day 5 – Hoima, Uganda

From the city of Hoima, Evangelist Randy Roberts tells the remarkable story of a lady named Kabababazi:

Hoima, Uganda
Hoima, Uganda

Day 5 – Hoima, Uganda

"Six years ago, a witch doctor cursed her and her house. Almost immediately, her house began to fill with flies, and she started to become weak until finally she became paralyzed and could not walk.

Shortly thereafter, she regained partial use of her legs but lost her mind and became known as the “mad” woman.

This week her family heard about the campaign here in Hoima and they tied her up with ropes and carried her to the campaign. After we burned the witchcraft items, we bound the list of evil spirits we had been given and prayed for the sick. She was instantly and completely healed and set free. She came to the stage to testify, fully in her right mind and rejoicing at what Jesus had done for her.

Day 5 – Hoima, Uganda

I feel like this is exactly what has happened for the city of Hoima. For decades, it has been known as a cursed place full of witch doctors and witchcraft.

As I was praying before the last night of preaching began, I felt the Lord prompt me to ask the crowd that night why none of the witch doctors had stopped the campaign. “Do you think they like us worshipping Jesus here on this field?” I asked. Over 70,000 people roared back a resounding “NO!” I then told them why the witch doctors didn’t stop the campaign. It’s because they were not able!"

Day 5 – Busia, Uganda

From the city of Busia, Evangelist Brady Liette writes:

"When I asked those on the field to raise their hand if they wanted to make a decision to follow Jesus, nearly every hand went up. This was spectacular because at the start of the night, I asked how many people were there for the first time and we had nearly the same response. 

Day 5 – Busia, Uganda

After the prayer for salvation, we prayed for the sick. The most amazing miracle we saw was from a girl who was demon possessed and mute.

She said she hadn’t spoken a word since last year. She said when I asked each person to look to Jesus and put their hand where they needed healing, she placed her hand on her mouth in faith. Instantly, she began speaking and praising the Lord. She said that earlier in the night, she fell to the ground and was led by one of our team members to the deliverance tent. There she was set free from the demonic strongholds in her life and accepted Jesus in her heart, but she still couldn’t speak. But when I prayed for the sick and oppressed, she reached up to Jesus and Jesus touched her, He healed her, and she said she would never be the same again in Jesus’ name!" 

Day 5 – Daniel Kolenda

Now, our team is working around the clock to make sure that the four campaigns in Week Two are ready to go, beginning on Wednesday night. We are just getting started here in Uganda.

Day 4 – Lira, Uganda

Tonight, I preached in the city of Lira, Uganda.

It’s hard to express the joy I feel in my heart as each night I pull up to a new field where a Gospel Campaign is ongoing, and I’m greeted by the dozens of CfaN team members serving there, many of whom I have not seen for months. Technicians, organizers, preachers – most of them CfaN Bootcamp Graduates, all carry the same heart for the lost and the same DNA of Gospel Campaign evangelism. There are now five generations of these grads, several of whom have literally spent years on the field since graduating! I think they are the best and most experienced Gospel Campaign team in the world at this point and they all feel like family to me. What a joy! 

Day 4 – Lira, Uganda

From the city of Lira, Evangelist Jared Horton wrote:

"Tonight was the largest crowd in Lira, Uganda, for the CfaN Gospel Campaign! Word must be spreading in this city because we see the crowd grow every night! 

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda arrived, encouraged the Gospel Campaign team, and preached a crystal-clear Gospel message explaining to the people of Lira that they were made in the image of God, and they belong to Jesus. The message was so simple and communicated so clearly that people’s hands went up all over the field for those who wanted to receive Jesus as their savior! 

Day 4 – Lira, Uganda

After Evangelist Kolenda preached the Gospel, Evangelist Daniel Smenes took the platform and prayed for the people to be filled with the Holy Spirit. As he prayed, people all over the field were filled with the Holy Spirit!"

Day 4 – Hoima, Uganda

Meanwhile in Hoima, they were also experiencing a mass outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Evangelist Alejandro Escobar wrote:

"The highlight for me was when we prayed for the baptism of the Holy Spirit over the crowd. After we worshipped for a few minutes, the crowd began to shout in unison a thunderous “Hallelujah!” A mighty roar erupted from the field as the people were filled by the power of God - both the young and the old! 

This city has been known for their witchcraft, occultism, and many other regional strongholds, but tonight this all changed because freedom, joy and peace were released into the atmosphere. Many were set free from demonic oppression while many others were instantly healed of their diseases."

Day 4 – Hoima, Uganda

A lady named Topista had a tumor on her breast for 3 weeks. It was painful, so she visited the hospital where they diagnosed a tumor and scheduled her for an operation that day.

However, she needed someone to sign for her before the operation but had no one available. So, she decided to go to the Gospel Campaign, believing Jesus would operate on her. After the prayer at the Gospel Campaign, the tumor miraculously left her body! 

Day 4 – Busia, Uganda

In the city of Busia (where I preached last night) they were experiencing what Evangelist Joe Turnbull describes as a "wave of revival." He writes:

"Tonight a wave of revival hit Busia. The next day after Daniel Kolenda preached, the crowd nearly tripled in size. Expectation and hunger arose and as I hit the stage, I knew tonight was going to be different. I began to preach my heart out, telling people to turn from darkness to light, and salvation swept across the field as counselors were bringing in the harvest for the local church.

I then began to teach on the Holy Spirit just as we were taught in Bootcamp. Then the holy moment came as the worship brought us into unity and people began to ask for the Holy Spirit in the quietness of the heart. I stopped the music, and the field was completely silent. Then I counted to three and a shout of hunger hit the field and the Holy Spirit came like a rushing mighty wind. Fire hit the souls of Uganda and people began to receive. Demons manifested across the field, and it seemed as if every 30 seconds they were carrying people to the ‘snake pit’ where we have a team trained in deliverance. Healing began to break out over the field and people came rushing down to the front to share.” 

Day 4 – Busia, Uganda

In a similar testimony, Faith said she had been suffering from a breast tumor and pain for 4 months.

When the evangelist prayed for healing, she prayed as well. At that moment, she felt the pain and lump in her breast disappear. She is very happy about her miracle tonight. She testified that Jesus is her Healer.

Day 4 – Busia, Uganda

Leah has had trouble hearing in her right ear since 2015.

When the evangelist prayed for healing tonight, she prayed by faith and said she could hear. Evangelist Reuben whispered "Jesus," and she repeated it but still had difficulty hearing the next word. She was prayed for again. When the evangelist tested her with words like "Jesus," "hallelujah," and "thank you, God," she repeated all of them without issue. She testified that Jesus healed her tonight.

Day 3 – Hoima, Uganda

This morning as I was leaving the city of Hoima, we drove past the field where I preached last night.

It was early in the morning and the field was empty, except for a large group of intercessors who were gathered there on the field, crying out to God and praying for the meetings (which will continue there through Sunday night). I saw those same intercessors on that field when we arrived in Hoima yesterday as well. I would not be surprised to find they had prayed all throughout the night! It was just one more reminder that this amazing harvest we are experiencing is so much bigger than any one of us. Literally tens of thousands of people, from our partners around the world (like you) to our offices on six continents, to the army of intercessors, counselors, ushers, security workers, cooperating pastors and churches (and the list goes on) have come together to make this possible.

Day 3 – Busia, Uganda

From Hoima I flew to the city of Busia where I preached tonight.

This is a small place (relatively speaking) and the Gospel Campaign is literally in the middle of town. I could walk to the field from my hotel. It reminds me of something out of an old western movie. I would imagine that there has never been a Gospel Campaign (or any kind of an event of this size) in this place ever. This is the kind of place we could never have gone to in the past (when we were only doing 6 or 7 Gospel Campaigns per year). We would have had to stay close to the major population centers in the nation (which are few).


But we will conduct 15 Gospel Campaigns, just in Uganda, over the next few weeks, which means many more options are available to us. 

Day 3 – Busia, Uganda

Delivered from Demons

There is a kind of hunger and gratitude that you find in a small place like this that is totally refreshing. I preached tonight about the power in the blood of Jesus and the people responded enthusiastically. And then, after the altar call, in all three cities where Gospel Campaigns are ongoing this week, we burned witchcraft and occult paraphernalia.

Day 3 – Hoima, Uganda

From Hoima, Uganda, Evangelist Randy Roberts wrote:

At least 25-35 percent of the population of the entire city was at the field tonight. Just imagine if that happened in your town!! As we drove through the crowded streets to leave the field, my driver, James, said “It is so good to see this field being used for Jesus and not the devil.” He said, “My whole life, people have been afraid of Hoima because of all of the witchcraft that is here, but now Hoima is going to be known for a different reason! We are going to be known as the place God visited and changed forever!” PRAISE GOD FOREVER!! God is changing Hoima forever and He will change you forever as well.

Day 3 – Lira, Uganda

From Lira, Uganda, Evangelist Jared Horton wrote:

After I preached, we lit those barrels on fire and burned the witchcraft items. As the barrels burned, I began to call out the specific false Gods in their city and break their powers in Jesus’s name.Ran When I called out those specific false Gods, the people clearly understood who these false Gods were because they erupted with high praise every time I called them out and broke their powers in Jesus’s name!

Then Evangelists Brady Liette, Lea Manning and Reuben Conway prayed for the sick. More miracle testimonies are flooding in than I can relate. But here are a few highlights from tonight.

Day 3 – Busia, Uganda

Edna reported that she couldn’t see out of her left eye for almost 4 years now.

She believed in her healing miracle. When Evangelist Brady gave instructions and prayed for healing, she held her left eye and suddenly felt something coming out of her eye, and she could see again. The evangelist tested the evidence of her healing by showing fingers at increasing distances. She accurately counted 1, 3, and 2 fingers respectively without difficulty. She testified that Jesus Christ healed her tonight.

Day 3 – Lira, Uganda

A lady called Annette said that for 5 years, she had ulcers and was tormented by demons so bad that she could not sleep ...

... but ever since the first night of the Gospel Campaign, she has been able to sleep, and she testified that she was healed of the ulcers and no longer tormented by demons!

Day 3 – Lira, Uganda

Another lady said that since 2018, her right hand had been paralyzed and she couldn't use it because of the pain. After the prayer, all the pain left her hand, and she can now move her right hand and celebrate Jesus.

Day 3 – Busia, Uganda

Tomorrow I will travel to the city of Lira, Uganda where I will finish out this first week.

Please continue to pray for us as hundreds of our team members labor here tirelessly. Even as I write this report, I can hear the Muslim call to prayer in the distance. It’s an eerie sound that reminds me of the urgency with which we much preach the Gospel. As Jesus said, we must work while it is day, for the night is coming when no man can work!

Daniel Kolenda

Day 2 – Hoima, Uganda

Smashing Strongholds

Day 2 – Hoima, Uganda

I’ve just returned from the campaign field here in Hoima, Uganda (where I preached the Gospel tonight). Hoima is the capital city of Bunyoro Region, West Uganda. This place is known for witchcraft and deep occult darkness. Just one hour away in Kagadi, there is a famous cult lead by a man who claims to be God. He says that he was teleported to every country revealing himself to people of all nations. It’s all utter foolishness, of course, but this cult has gained quite a following in this region.

Day 2 – Hoima, Uganda

Tonight, I took a stand against the dark powers holding sway over this area and other places.

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda

In January of this year, one week before the CfaN team started preparations, the cult came to Hoima and had a “campaign” on the same field where we are preaching the Gospel. They claimed Hoima for their cult, performing witchcraft on each corner of the city. Tonight I directly confronted this (and other) demonic strongholds in the region. I declared the Lordship of Jesus over this land and the people responded with unbridled enthusiasm. I felt like the ground was shaking under their shouts of joy!

Day 2 – Hoima, Uganda

The hunger of the people here is something extraordinary.

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda

I could feel the tug of their faith and the wholehearted reception of the Gospel as I preached. I found myself saying over and over to various team members, “what a privilege to serve these people.” And I know the whole team shares that sentiment.

Day 2 – Lira, Uganda

Evangelist Katrin Smenes (who is ministering there with her husband, Daniel) wrote:

Evangelist Katrin Smenes

“At 4.30 pm we were packing our car to drive to the campaign field. To the left I had my precious husband Daniel Smenes, on my lap our little newborn baby and to my right our toddler son. I had tears in my eyes as we started driving and my heart was overwhelmed with joy to be allowed to serve Jesus as a family plundering hell and populating heaven. I knew just as we brought our physical children, there would be thousands of spiritual children be born today into the kingdom of God.”

Day 2 – Busia, Uganda

In the city of Busia, Uganda, they were dealing with some inclement weather. In fact, during the meeting tonight, the rain started to pour.

Evangelist Brady Liette
Evangelist Joe Turnbull

Evangelist Brady Liette wrote: “I turned around and rebuked the clouds and the rain. I asked all the people (who were starting to leave) to stop, and they rebuked the wind and the rain with our team. As I began to preach, the dark storm clouds stopped. The rain stopped. The wind ceased. And I was able to preach a crystal-clear Gospel message. When we gave the altar call, thousands raised their hands.”

After massive altar calls in each city, we prayed for the sick. In Hoima (where I preached tonight) Evangelist Rachel Smith prayed for the sick. In Lira, Evg. Lea Geibel and in Busia, Evg. Ruben Conway ministered to the sick. So many wonderful miracles happened.

Day 2 – Busia, Uganda

In Busia, the crowd had increased so significantly throughout the night, that they ended the evening by preaching a second short Gospel message and giving a second altar call! The harvest truly is plentiful!

Day 2 – Lira, Uganda

A lady called Carozinn had pain in her head and back so bad that she couldn’t even stand and walk.

She was also deaf and blind on her left side. After we prayed for her, she received her sight and hearing and she began to jump with no pain in her back! This lady received about four miracles in one!

Day 2 – Hoima, Uganda

Florence endured seven years of abdominal pain after giving birth. Tonight, all pain left her and she is free!

Evangelist Rachel Smith
Evangelist Rachel Smith
Evangelist Rachel Smith

Day 1 – Uganda

Campaigns in Three Cities

Tonight is the first night of campaigns here in Uganda. Over the next few weeks, we will conduct FIFTEEN Gospel Campaigns throughout this nation. In addition, we have already trained hundreds of local evangelists and we have been working with them for the last couple months. Also, Bootcamp graduates and students are on the ground here preaching the Gospel all over the nation! Literally millions of people will have heard the gospel in Uganda by the time we are finished! IT’S HARVEST TIME!

Tonight, campaigns started in three different cities: Lira, Busia and Hoima.

Day 1 – Busia, Uganda

From Busia, Uganda, Evangelist Joe Turnbull wrote:

“As we were preparing at the hotel to go to the campaign field, we heard from the balcony a loud marching band with people shouting and singing songs of joy. After the campaign parade, no more than 5 minutes later, all of a sudden a storm came out of nowhere with a downpour of rain for a whole hour. But to our surprise, when we pulled up to the field thousands were still there waiting, expectant and hungry for a move of God. We preached the Gospel with thousands of hands going up for salvation.”  

Day 1 – Hoima, Uganda

From Hoima, Uganda, Evangelist Alejandro Escobar wrote:

Evangelist Braidwood Rathbone
Evangelist Alejandro Escobar
Evangelist Alejandro Escobar

“The hunger was reflected in the multitudes who came tonight. The sound systems stopped working twice during the preaching, but the people stayed. In fact, the crowd kept growing and growing until we closed the meeting! We witnessed thousands responding to the call of salvation and miracles followed the preaching of the Gospel.”

Day 1 – Lira, Uganda

From Lira, Uganda, Evangelist Jared Horton wrote:

Evangelist Jared Horton

“When we arrived at the campaign field, the crowd was expectant and ready to receive the Word of God. You could see people down the street on motorcycles that stopped to hear the Gospel message. There were even 6-10 construction workers across the street putting on a roof who waved that they could hear me as I called out to them to make sure they were listening. As far as the sound could reach, the people of Lira, Uganda, received a crystal clear, simple Gospel message.”

Day 1 – Lira, Uganda

This woman, Adong, had been in pain for 12 years in her abdomen and back because of a tumor. After the prayer for the sick, all pain was gone and she could bend and move freely, dancing on stage with joy.

Day 1 – Lira, Uganda

She was blind in her left eye for three years. After prayer, her eyesight was restored, as she demonstrated on stage.

Day 1 – Lira, Uganda

Acan was scheduled to have a third operation on her abdomen but decided to leave the hospital and come to the campaign for prayer.

Despite the visible wound on her side, after prayer she was able to move and jump freely without pain, beaming from ear to ear.

Day 1 – Lira, Uganda

Our first night in Lira was filled with joy as people came from all around to listen and hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the first time!

In each city there are two evangelists (usually Bootcamp Graduates) stationed, plus one evangelist in training (also a Bootcamp graduate). In this way, the more experienced evangelists are helping to coach the newer ones. This means that even the campaigns themselves are an exercise in training up the next generation of evangelists!

All these campaigns are being organized by the Christ for all Nations team, many of whom have been on the ground here in Uganda full-time for months (some of them since January). All our CfaN equipment and technicians are on site in each of these locations (and many of them are already en route to Congo, where our next round of campaigns will happen in a few weeks). 

Daniel Kolenda with Bret Sipek (the lead organizer)

My role is to support and serve all these teams with my little contribution. Each day I am traveling to a new city with Bret Sipek (the lead organizer), where a campaign is already ongoing.

Bret Sipek and Daniel Kolenda

I will preach in the campaign, encourage the team there, meet with local church and government leaders to thank them for their support, and then move on to the next location where another campaign is ongoing. What a joy to see city after city being shaken by the power of the Gospel! 

Day 1 – Lira, Uganda

The platform, lights, and loudspeakers are all set for tonight's event.

Bootcamp Initiation – Kampala, Uganda

As part of their initiation trip, our Bootcamp students are traveling through cities in Uganda and doing an outstanding job spreading the Gospel.

Lira, Uganda

The advertisement is fully set up in Lira, Uganda.

Equipment Team

The first tech team is en route to Uganda.