Second 'Partnership Campaign' with Randy Roberts this year
Randy Roberts, who is a CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp graduate, is in Beira, Mozambique and starting the second 'Partnership Campaign' this year with CfaN.
Day 4 – Beira, Mozambique
Final night in Beira, Mozambique!

Day 3 – Beira, Mozambique
Tens of thousands of people were saved, healed and delivered
Day 3 – Beira, Mozambique
This night was the best night of the campaign so far
While I was in CfaN’s Evangelism Bootcamp, Peter Vandenberg was my coach and I would have bi-weekly meetings with him. The first thing he told me was that perseverance was the most important ingredient to a successful ministry. I nodded along with this, but inwardly I was questioning that statement. Surely anointing or gifting or schooling or any other number of things were more important than that.
This is why Evangelist Kolenda gave me a coach, because I was wrong and my coach was right. Imagine that!
Yesterday was the third day of the campaign and from the start things began to go wrong. I’ll just list a few: the barrels with juju in them wouldn’t light no matter what we did, then when we tried to play the recap video from Friday it wouldn’t work and the entire field of 110,000 people was just silent(which is great when the Holy Spirit falls, but horrible otherwise), then we lost all power. Plus a whole host of other problems.
And yet last night was the best night of the campaign so far. Tens of thousands of people were saved, healed and delivered. The governor’s wife even got saved and healed and danced with me on stage after testifying to the crowd! Beira is truly being transformed.
On the way back to the hotel, the Lord began to show me how important perseverance is. We didn’t yell at one another or get angry or take some drastic action that would make things worse. We didn’t even have a bad attitude. We simply persevered. We just kept moving forward and God took care of everything.
The Bible says that it is through faith and patience (perseverance) that we receive the promises (Hebrews 6:12). This is what Peter Vandenberg has been trying to get through my head for the last two years and I think I’m finally getting it.
I want to encourage you to persevere in what God has called you to do, and if you do, I guarantee that He will keep His promise to you.
Thank you so much for coming to Beira with us with your faith and your finances. We are expecting a mighty harvest tonight and we look forward to telling you about it.
Together in the harvest
Randy Roberts
Day 2 – Beira, Mozambique
A wonderful spiritual atmosphere here in Beira
Day 1 – Beira, Mozambique
70,000 came to hear the Gospel
Day 1 – Beira, Mozambique
First night in Mozambique, well done Randy Roberts, Denis Artyushevskiy and team.
Do You Trust Me?
That’s what the Lord asked me as I sat in Addis Ababa Ethiopia’s Bole airport.
I was in the middle of a 45 hour trip to Mozambique. A country I had never been to, where I didn’t know anyone and frankly hadn’t heard the best things about. I was on my way to scout for a Great Gospel Campaign.
The problem was I hadn’t talked to anyone there. All of my attempts at securing contacts had gone unanswered or without a positive response. I felt like I was back in junior high trying to get a date to the dance. I didn’t have a car(also like junior high), a driver or a translator much less anyone to meet with about a Great Gospel Campaign. All I had was some third hand info that someone had gotten from google and it turned out to not be good information.
I was beginning to wonder if I should get on the plane to Beira or not.
That’s when He asked me “do you trust me”
The moment of truth had arrived.
I chose to trust Him.
So I went on to Mozambique with no assurance except I believed He had told me to. Really that’s all I needed.
Tonight as I preached a simple Gospel message from Romans 10:13 that Evangelist Daniel Kolenda taught me in CfaN’s Evangelism Bootcamp to the crowd of more than 70,000 people I was so thankful that I had chosen to trust Him.
As Elizabeth told me how Jesus had healed her of rheumatoid arthritis that the doctors had told her she was just going to have to live with because she was old, I was so happy I had trusted Him.
As I had to wait an extra long time for the counselors to help the new converts fill out decision cards(because there were so many)so that they could be connected with churches I was overjoyed I had trusted Him.
As Peter Vandenberg and I shouted our praise at what God had allowed us to be a part of as we drove back to the hotel I was thrilled I had trusted Him.
I know you have also trusted Him by partnering with us so we can be here and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to these beautiful people of Beira Mozambique. We thank you for trusting Him and know that if you are anything like us you are happy you did!!
Amazingly enough this is only the first night. So we will be sending you more reports from the field of the great things God is doing!
Together in the harvest
Randy Roberts