Operation Decapolis – Zambia
Doctor Jesus is here!

The first night, they were joined by Evangelist Daniel Kolenda, who taught on faith and prayed for the sick. Miracles broke out all over the crowd, including a grandma who had been blind for so many years, she couldn’t remember how long! But that was just the beginning of what the Lord would do in Ngombe during the 5-night campaign.
Deborah Cohen preached: “When you meet Jesus, your life must change! Let him who has lied, lie no more! Let him who has stolen, steal no more! Let him who has murdered, murder no more!” Thousands responded and accepted Jesus as their Savior.
After the altar call, her husband Emmanuel taught from Mark 1:40 on the man with leprosy who asked Jesus if He was willing to heal him. Jesus replied, “I am willing! Be cleansed!” As Emmanuel spoke, faith was rising. He said, “Maybe there’s someone here tonight, you’ve been to many different doctors and specialists who couldn’t help you. But tonight is different. Tonight, Doctor Jesus is on the field! He is always willing, and always able to heal!” As he began to pray for the sick, the crowd roared “Amen!” in agreement. Miracles began breaking out as Doctor Jesus, the only doctor with no limitations, began healing diseases, pain and brokenness.
Evangelist Michael Job gave everyone an opportunity to put their witchcraft fetishes, juju, charms and demonic items in the burn barrels. Then we lit them on fire! The atmosphere at the campaign was tangibly different as Michael roared from the stage. The crowd shouted a loud “AMEN!!” every time he called out a false god and broke its power. Combined with the flames shooting into the air, it was wild – a very visual picture of strongholds being broken forever.

Angelina was smiling from ear to ear when she came on stage. She said she had walked to the campaign with the help of a walking stick. In fact, she had been unable to walk without the stick for a long time. Emmanuel asked her where the stick was now. With a huge grin, she said she’d left it where she’d been sitting. She didn’t need it anymore!
By the end of the campaign in Ngombe, we were already receiving reports of churches being flooded with new converts. Revival has broken out in Ngombe!