Day 3
Holy Spirit Outpouring

Today has been a day of Holy Spirit outpouring, both morning and evening here in Brazzaville, Congo. This morning the Fire Conference concluded as Peter Vandenberg and I ministered to the pastors and church workers. Afterwards, we prayed for them to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit. I laid hands upon hundreds of senior pastors who, in turn, laid hands upon the thousands present. Tonight, with the huge crowd in attendance, we prayed again for the people, many of them brand new converts, to receive this glorious gift. The place was shaken. Even before we started praying the Holy Spirit began to move across that huge field. From my vantage point on the platform I could see many people all over the field spontaneously dropping to the ground as they were being overwhelmed. Many miracles of healing also took place.
A man who was formerly insane, was brought by his wife who said that after the prayer on Thursday night, her husband has returned to his right mind. He said that during the prayer, he suddenly felt something like electricity surging through his body. Suddenly his mind became clear and he was totally well.
An elderly woman who was not able to walk at all for the last three years can now walk perfectly, and even run!
A young lady who had a lung disease came to testify of her healing which she received on Thursday night. She had recently been to the doctor and had received X-Rays and a doctor’s report confirming her disease. After she felt the power of God come over her body on Thursday, all pain left. She went back to the doctor today, he took more X-Rays and did more tests. Finally, he asked which hospital she had been to before and who the doctor was. He said he could find no trace of her sickness and gave her a clean bill of health.
There is so much more to tell. We could not hear all the testimonies because there were so many. Indeed, many hundreds of people said that they had been healed tonight. Jesus is alive in Brazzaville!
Tomorrow is the final meeting. Please continue to pray for us.
Yours in the Gospel,
Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team
Pictures by O. Volyk