Immune to fear

Day 15: God’s Plan for Your Health.

We often take good health for granted—until something threatens it! Unfortunately, so many people are experiencing sickness and disease right now, which was never God’s idea. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is God’s national health plan for every nation on earth, and the Bible is its textbook. Somebody said that God meant our bodies to last, with care, for a lifetime! The first page of the Bible says, “God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good” (Genesis 1:31). The last page says, “There shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying . . . no more pain” (Revelation 21:4). Things began very well and they will end that way.

The Lord’s plan for you since the beginning of time is for you to “prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers” (3 John 1:2). Sickness in God’s good world is like weeds growing among wheat. But make no mistake — God did not sow the weeds.“An enemy did this” (Matthew 13:28, NIV). The Father sent Jesus who “went about healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him” (Acts 10:38). It was the Creator’s protest against the sabotage of His work by the devil. “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10).

God planned cures in nature which medical research keeps finding. But the God who heals naturally, also heals supernaturally! The Bible makes it clear that sickness is not God’s will, and in contrast, it credits all healings to God. Today, His hand touches far more people than many even realize. Throughout the world, many supernatural healings take place every year, proving that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).

It has been said that the Bible holds, not only the “words” of God, but also the “Word” of God — His solemn and heart-felt promises. And while He didn’t have to make a written legal agreement with mankind, nonetheless, when He gave us His “Word,” He memorialized those promises in writing. Interestingly, both terms for the old and new sections of our Bible, “covenant” and “testament,” are legal terms, which in this case refer to a binding agreement between the King of kings, who governs the universe, and mankind, His creation. Legally binding or not, when God gives His Word, you can count on it, it is unbreakable — He means what He says and says what He means! And whatever your position on the covenant of healing may be, there is no challenging the reality that it is both a biblical promise and a mandate for His people.

In the wisdom, love, and tender mercies of God, He reaches out to heal the whole person — those with broken hearts as well as those with broken bodies. Be encouraged! When God gives His Word and makes a promise... you can believe Him. You have nothing to fear because His plans for you are for good!“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).

Source: (adapted from God’s Promises for Healing & Hope. pg. 9-13.)

A 60-day Bible Study

Immune to fear

Day 1: Getting Stronger!

We are living in a remarkable time. I have never seen the entire world so gripped by fear and uncertainty. The pundits and prophets are all weighing…

Immune to fear

Day 2: “It Is Written!”

Do you ever notice that sometimes it seems as if you’re on a spiritual high? You’re tangibly feeling the presence of God, receiving fresh revelation,…

Immune to fear

Day 3: The Victory that has Overcome the World!

The bible says, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7)

This scripture makes it…

Immune to fear

Day 4: The Word is Our Source of Faith!

Jesus specializes in troubleshooting every type of problem known to mankind! He is our Lord and savior, our provider, our healer, our shepherd, our…

Immune to fear

Day 5: Faith Without Questions or Qualifiers!

Fear and unbelief are not intellectual responses, but emotional responses of the heart from a lack of faith in God. Meaning the root of unbelief isn’t…

Immune to fear

Day 6: The Fear of the Lord

In the Bible we learn some fear is good and some is bad. The books of Psalms and Proverbs speak of “the fear of the Lord” as a virtue fourteen times!

Immune to fear

Day 7: The Name Above all Names!

We believe and proclaim that Jesus is the name above all other names. Therefore, it is important for us to know what is in His name. We begin to find…

Immune to fear

Day 8: A Weapon Against Fear

Purpose is a powerful weapon against fear. What gave thousands of young men the courage to storm the beaches of Normandy on June 6, 1944, also known…

Immune to fear

Day 9: The Remedy!

Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke once shared a story about a man who told him that he also was a “spiritual counselor.” However, the man did not believe…

Immune to fear

Day 10: The Anointing!

The Lord’s anointed ones are full of active faith! They won’t back down to the voice of fear or the appearance of impending destruction.

We read in…

Immune to fear

Day 11: Pick Up Your Weapons!

Where are our weapons? Paul wrote, “Stir up the gift of God which is in you” (2 Tim. 1:6). He instructed, “Stir up.” This word has to do with fire—the…

Immune to fear

Day 12: Fear is a Phantom!

Do you know, with absolute assurance, that you have joined the winning side?

Then you will not be harassed by fear.

There is no way a believer can…

Immune to fear

Day 13: Dressed for Battle

The Bible uses military analogies to describe the way in which followers of Jesus are to prepare for attacks from the devil, whether they come in the…

Immune to fear

Day 14: The Safest Place on Earth – “In Christ”

The opposite of fear is faith. But what is true faith? Wholeheartedly trusting Christ Jesus is real faith. We trust Christ in a way that is deeper…

Immune to fear

Day 15: God’s Plan for Your Health.

We often take good health for granted—until something threatens it! Unfortunately, so many people are experiencing sickness and disease right now,…

Immune to fear

Day 16: The Faith of Abraham

The Bible names Abraham 309 times, but because of his faith, his name is inscribed upon the whole of the Middle East and upon world history to this…

Immune to fear

Day 17: You Are Immune to the Curse!

Fear plays into the hands of the devil. The truth is, he can do no real damage, except to make us fear that he can. The devil is a con artist. Try as…

Immune to fear

Day 18: Stay Focused

Wherever your heart, eyes, and mind are set, is where the rest of you will end up eventually. We become whatever we behold. There was an article in…

Immune to fear

Day 19: You Have the Superior Force!

The man who lives in fear is the devil’s ally—whether he likes it or not. The fearful help Satan accomplish his plans in the earth. Fear is an…

Immune to fear

Day 20: The Ant and the Elephant

God’s children should be bold. Take the parents of Moses for example,

“By faith Moses, when he was born, was hidden three months by his parents,…

Immune to fear

Day 21: God is Not in Hiding!

Some people believe that God has distanced Himself from mankind. They view Him as being withdrawn, uninvolved, and even apathetic towards His…

Immune to fear

Day 22: Stand on the Solid Rock

We are commonly told today to keep an open mind about our beliefs and how we interpret the word of God. We are told to never be dogmatic. Some have no…

Immune to fear

Day 23: God’s Promises are Reliable

“Not one of the good promises which the Lord had made to the house of Israel failed; all came to pass.” (Joshua 21:45)

Immune to fear

Day 24: Anchored by Hope

Due to the Coronavirus, in just a short span of time, the entire world has had to adjust to a new lifestyle of being quarantined. Everyone has been…

Immune to fear

Day 25: The Testing of Your Faith

The scripture tells us that the testing and trial of our faith will come, and it also tells us why… 1 Peter 1:7 says, “So that the tested genuineness…

Immune to fear

Day 26: Do Not Be Afraid; Only Believe

The Lord moves in action on our behalf when we pray and believe!

“So, Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to…

Immune to fear

Day 27: I AM with You!

One of the most deeply rooted beliefs (actually, “unbeliefs”) is that God’s presence is greater with some than with others. We make up all kinds of…

Immune to fear

Day 28: Don’t Panic.

It takes more than survival skills to survive a crisis. For example, the ability to survive in a physical wilderness takes more than the skills to…

Immune to fear

Day 29: Who’s Got Your Back?

Ever since the Coronavirus began to spread across the planet, government officials and health care experts have all asked that we practice “social…

Immune to fear

Day 30: The Comforter

Who is a more faithful comrade in hardships than the Holy Spirit? Whose friendship is more valuable during troubled times than the most wonderful,…