Thursday, 5 November 2015
She Felt Ice Going Through Her Body

I have just returned from the field on the first night of our Gospel Crusade here in Blantyre, Malawi. The crowd was not huge … certainly not what we experienced in Zambia a couple weeks ago, but the presence of God touched the meeting in a powerful way. I am sure that the word will spread like wildfire through the region.
After preaching the Gospel and praying for the sick we heard wonderful testimonies:
- A woman with night blindness can now see. Her tumor disappeared and her kidneys were healed! Her daughter was overcome with joy as she began jumping and shouting on the platform!
- A sick woman with terrible pain in her body could not stand for more than five minutes. But she said that when she stepped foot onto the crusade field, she had a sensation like ice going through her body. Suddenly, the pain was gone and she stood throughout the service without any problem for the first time in 10 years! (pictured)
- A paralyzed man began to walk and then his withered hand started to move!
- An elderly woman who could not walk for two years testified that she could now walk, run and even dance! I put her to the test. Together we danced on the platform and the whole crowd danced and rejoiced with us!
- A woman brought her son who was insane and violent toward everyone. She said he would lash out at people and even beat them. Tonight, he came to his right mind and spoke gently over the microphone declaring that Jesus Christ had made him whole!
The Fire Conference also began this morning. Peter van den Berg and I preached to the many pastors and leaders who have come to receive an impartation. This in itself is a great testimony. Many of you know that Peter van den Berg was recently diagnosed with cancer and by all accounts should not have been with us. But the Lord has touched him miraculously and not only is he doing well, he is here in Malawi preaching powerfully. We are so grateful that the Lord has preserved his life! There is still much work to be done.
Please pray earnestly for us as we continue to plow the soil here in Blantyre. Despite the challenges, I believe we will see a mighty breakthrough here. Pray for Malawi to be shaken this week.
Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with Reinhard Bonnke, Peter van den Berg and the whole CfaN team