
Blinded by war – healed by Jesus

We worship the same Jesus who wept when Lazarus died, then brought him back to life. He is the same Jesus who made haste to go with Jairus when his daughter lay dying. He is the same Jesus who sought out the woman who touched the hem of his garment, desperate to be free of her affliction. He didn’t care that she was “unclean”. He is the same Jesus who put mud on a blind man’s eyes, despite it being the Sabbath. And Jesus wasn’t just moved by suffering – he did something about it every time!

This is why we preach the “Gospel of Power” – good news that is confirmed by the power of God in miracles of healing, deliverance and transformation. Because Jesus is still the same! His power has not faded with the centuries. His compassion for us has not changed.

Today, I have a testimony to share with you, a miracle moment that changed one man’s life forever…

The Decapolis in Zambia is just around the corner, as well as our next Flagship Campaign in Ghana in November. Will you help us to bring the Good News of Jesus’ salvation and compassion to others like William? We love you and deeply value every contribution to this ministry.

Yours in the harvest,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(with the whole CfaN team)