Guest Evangelist Joe Turnbull reports from the Christ for all Nations Operation Decapolis Campaign in Dodoma, Tanzania.
“Tonight was the second night of the campaign, and we were encouraged and strengthened by the significant attendance increase. As I walked up to the campaign stage and saw all the people out on the field, my heart began to burn. This was my first time preaching at a CfaN Operation Decapolis campaign, and part of me was excited and ready, though another part of me was anxious. But in my heart, I knew that I was at the right place at the right time. With everything that I learned in the CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp, and every bit of training that Evangelist Daniel Kolenda gave us, I felt secure in what I was about to preach - I felt secure about myself as an evangelist. I looked down at my hand, and I saw the ring that Evangelist Daniel Kolenda gave us for the harvest, and when the worship music stopped, and Campaign Organizer Randy Roberts introduced me, I walked up and thought, “This is it…this is the moment”, and I began to open my mouth. All I could feel was passion and fire. After about 10 minutes, I began to feel comfortable, and I began to look at the people in the crowd and their faces. I felt that a connection was being built, and I felt like I was speaking to each and every person.

As I shared stories and illustrations, there was joy and laughter. But there was also darkness, which was the message I preached tonight: to turn from darkness to light. Even in the middle of the preaching, demons were manifesting on the field. Many people were carried to the deliverance tent. But as Evangelist Daniel Kolenda taught us, the Devil can have no minute of the campaign. So we pressed on and preached the clear Gospel: that people must turn from the power of Satan to the power of God. As we got near to the end of the message, Jesus took control. When I gave the altar call, for a split second I was nervous. Then all of a sudden, when I asked them to raise their hands, thousands of people raised their hands to receive Jesus, and in that moment, I knew that this is what I am called to do the rest of my life.

Here are notable testimonies to share with you:
- A woman had chest pain for 3 years, but tonight she was set free from the pain in Jesus’ name. She felt great and relieved of this pain.
- Another woman also had chest pain for 8 years. It was asthma specifically, and it was very hard for her to breathe. After running on the stage and taking deep breaths, she showed no more pain or shortness of breath. She testified that it was Jesus who healed her!
- One woman could not see the preacher or the other people around because her vision was so bad. She showed on stage that she could see the preacher very well now!
- Another woman had serious pain in her legs for 20 years. She testified tonight that there was no more pain tonight and that Jesus had healed her.
- One man suffered from epilepsy, having seizures 3 times per day for 3 years. Since yesterday after prayer, though, he has not fallen down. He has been healed from epilepsy!

Tonight was night three of the campaign here in Dodoma. I preached on the power of the blood of Jesus, and as those very words fell on the crowd, demons began to manifest. I felt a connection with the crowd tonight in a genuine way. By the end of the sermon, I felt they were with me every step of the way. Many hands went up for the prayer of salvation, but that was just the beginning. We then got the barrels to set the juju and witchcraft on fire. Before we could even break curses, demons started manifesting in the crowd. I began to feel the power of God fall on me, and I spoke it over the people. All of a sudden, more demons manifested, the barrels were lit on fire, and the place erupted. We began to break every demonic stronghold and curse in the land. Soon after, we prayed for the blood of Jesus over the field and for every person to be healed. In that moment, an Islamic woman felt the fire of God cover her body and completely heal her. The best part is her daughter also got healed of shoulder pain, and both came to Christ.
Miraculous testimonies also included the following:
- A woman was not able to walk, but after prayer yesterday, she woke up today able to walk - pain-free! Not only this, but she testified that the last time Reinhard Bonnke was in Dodoma (1997), her pregnancy was past her due date, but after she was prayed for - she delivered a healthy baby the next day!
- Another woman had serious eye pain and pressure for 2 years. She couldn’t see well at all and could not read. The doctors confirmed this problem when she went. But yesterday, the pressure left, and her vision was restored. She went to read her Bible, and she was able to read again. She even went back to the doctor and they confirmed she no longer had the eye pressure she used to have!
- A little girl received Jesus as her Lord and Savior yesterday and was also healed of shoulder pain. She was suffering from serious shoulder aches and during the prayer, all of the pain left.
- A woman’s baby was not able to be fed milk because the mouth couldn’t move properly. The baby even remained in the hospital after birth. But after coming to the campaign tonight, the baby began to eat normally!

It was a night of repentance, deliverance, and healing. The testimonies will be close to my heart, and I am forever marked.
It was such an honor and a privilege to preach at a Gospel campaign, to see God’s people look to Him. My life will never be the same, and I want to thank Evangelist Daniel Kolenda for making my dream come true.
Evangelist Joe Turnbull”
How incredible are these testimonies! A highlight for me was the one about the woman who was healed at our 1997 CfaN Gospel Campaign in Dodoma with Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke and then healed again in 2021 at a Gospel Campaign with a guest evangelist from the CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp!
Thank you for standing with us to see the Decade of Double Harvest become a reality. Indeed, it is already happening before our very eyes!
This is all possible because of you! Thank you!
Together in the Harvest,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(Together with Peter Vandenberg and the whole CfaN team)