We’re back home, but every time I get another report from one of the CfaN evangelists who preached during Operation Decapolis, I feel like we’re still there! With every story that pours in, the scope of what happened there becomes more apparent, and I’m excited to share some more of that joy with you.
As you know, I preached one night in each of the 5 cities. Iringa was the second town I preached in, and today we’re hearing from Evangelist Dr. Daniel King, who preached there on day 1 and day 5.
When I arrived in Iringa, Tanzania, I saw hundreds of posters, billboards, and banners advertising a Christ for All Nations Gospel Campaign

The bright colors immediately caught my eye, and I knew the city was ready for a move of God. The set up for this Gospel Campaign was done by the CfaN Campaign organizers and graduates of the CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp. As a teacher at the Evangelism Bootcamp, I was proud to see their diligence and dedication producing such incredible results.
On the first night of the Gospel Campaign, there were already tens of thousands of people there. I preached that “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” When I gave the altar call, thousands of people raised their hands to receive Jesus! Hallelujah!

When we prayed for the sick, people all over the field lifted their crutches into the air and started to walk. In fact, the first person on the platform was a woman who had struggled to walk. She lifted her crutch high and began to dance! There were so many glorious testimonies…
- A 27-year-old woman testified that she had had constant pain in her head and stomach since she was seven – a lifetime of pain. Now she was completely pain-free!
- A man who had not been able to walk for two years felt all pain leave him and immediately began to walk again.
- A woman who visited a witchdoctor seeking a cure announced, "The witch doctor was not able to heal me, but tonight Jesus healed me!"

On the final night (Day 5), there was such a sense of joy and anticipation, with over 30,000 people lifting their voices in lively and energetic worship. Before I preached, I asked the crowd, “Who is here for the very first time?” To my joy, half the crowd lifted their hands in the air. It was a beautiful confirmation that the word of what God was doing had spread throughout Iringa.
Then I preached on the three greatest miracles in the Bible: Creation, Calvary and Pentecost. Thousands more responded to the altar call. Of course, as we always do, we then prayed for the sick, and Jesus showed up, doing what He always does – saving, healing and delivering those who call on Him.
- Maria was a woman who suffered with a tumor on her hip. When we prayed, the tumor disappeared.
- A woman who had been deaf since childhood suddenly received her hearing.
- Another woman who had a tumor in her breast could not find it after the prayer for the sick. She was healed!
With these wonderful testimonies ringing in our ears, we closed the Gospel Campaign with a moment of special blessing, unfurling a giant flag of Tanzania on the stage. Joined by three bishops who represent the largest associations of churches in the area, we prayed for the people of Iringa to the great joy of the crowd.
And in a final touching moment, my co-evangelist in this Gospel Campaign, Dr. Roselyne Ayeola, gave Iringa a word from the Lord; “You are a city of light.” By now, the field was dark, and she asked everyone who had a phone to turn their flashlight on. Seeing so many lights waving throughout the field was a powerful symbol of the Christians in Iringa shining their light brightly for all to see.

Doesn’t this delight your heart and fill it with praise for our amazing God? I find myself just lifting my hands and saying, “THANK YOU, JESUS!”
As these wonderful praise reports keep coming, I never forget to also thank the Lord for YOU because there is simply no way that we can do this in our strength, and we certainly can’t do it alone. It’s because of committed partners like you, who hold us up in prayer and give into this ministry, that we can see these heavenly results together. Thank you for being part of Operation Decapolis – we love you and thank God for you every day.
There’s more to come! I’ll be sharing more from our CfaN evangelists soon.
This is all possible because of you! Thank you!
Together in the Harvest,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(Together with Peter Vandenberg and the whole CfaN team)