I am still in awe of what happened in Tanzania during Operation Decapolis! To think we were able to pull off five simultaneous Gospel Campaigns in five cities so successfully is truly a testimony of God’s hand at work!
There were so many incredible reports from Tanzania, I couldn’t possibly send them all to you during the Gospel Campaign! Operation Decapolis may be over, but there is still so much to share, so I’ll be highlighting each of our guest evangelists who preached during Operation Decapolis. This first highlight comes from Evangelist David Rotärmel, a 2020 CfaN Bootcamp Graduate, who preached on the second day and fourth day in Tunduma (I preached there my first night).
Check out the powerful report below from Evangelist David Rotärmel from day 2 and day 4!
What happened tonight has truly changed my life forever as an evangelist!

The title of my message was “Choose Life!”, and I challenged everyone to decide TODAY between life and death. As it says in Deuteronomy 30:19, God has given us the choice between life and death, blessings and curses, and He urges us to choose life! At the altar call, thousands decided to choose life, and surrendered their lives completely to Jesus.
After the preaching of the Gospel, I taught briefly on healing the sick, and as I began praying for the sick, miracles started breaking out everywhere. I’ve been to quite a few Gospel Campaigns by now, but this time it was unlike anything I’ve ever seen with my own eyes. Like in CfaN footage that I’ve only seen on videos, crutches were being lifted into the air all over the place and the lame began to walk. The whole crowd was going crazy and started shouting and celebrating. Miracles upon miracles began breaking out EVERYWHERE my eye could see!

There was an excitement and joy in the air, that is impossible to describe. Even after we left the field, those miracles continued! While sitting at dinner, our Associate Campaign Director Thomas (from Kenya) was sharing with us that he had just come from the field where the prayer teams on the field were still praying for people, and miracles continued to break out.

The fourth night of a Gospel Campaign is when we pray for people to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Even before I started driving to the Gospel Campaign field, I felt such urgency, and the deep hunger of Jesus to pour out his Spirit in a way that Tunduma has never seen before.
I preached on “The Law of Salvation”, a powerful message that Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke used to preach, which has already led millions of souls into the arms of Jesus. And sure enough, thousands surrendered their lives to Him, and the tangible presence of God flooded the field.

After the altar call, I gave a short teaching on the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and expressed once again how desperately we need Him. You could feel the anticipation rise in the crowd. For a few minutes, we sang “Hallelujah” together, until all attention was on JESUS. In complete stillness, the sweet glory of God began to fill the field. Like a bubbling spring, it erupted slowly until the whole crowd received a fresh touch and infilling of the Holy Spirit. A few minutes more, and we were wildly rocked by the power of the Spirit. It’s hard to express in words what it’s like when the Holy Spirit breaks in like a hurricane!
And with that mighty anointing palpable everywhere, we then prayed for the sick, and saw some beautiful miracles:
- A woman had fallen 10 years before, breaking many bones, and had been unable to walk properly ever since. Not only could she now walk, she climbed the stairs to the stage unaided and praised the Lord, waving her stick in the air.
- A mother who had pregnancies with twins and triplets in quick succession had terrible back problems for 20 years. She declared that Jesus had healed her and bent over for the first time in two decades! The crowd went wild as she tried to catch me on stage.
It sounded like stories from old-fashioned revivals – but praise God, it is not something that happened hundreds of years ago, but something that is happening right here, right now in the city of Tunduma, Tanzania. The Kingdom of God is truly breaking through here, and Jesus alone can do those things!
As this district is being shaken and thousands of lives will never be the same again after this week, so my life as an evangelist is also being changed and will never be the same either.
Many blessings from the ripe harvest field of Tunduma,
David Rotärmel

Hallelujah! The only way our teams were able to conduct five Gospel Campaigns simultaneously is due to us actively multiplying the laborers through the CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp, and because of our faithful partners, like you, who pray for us and sow into the ministry! THANK you for helping make this possible! You have a reward in Heaven for the thousands of souls saved through Operation Decapolis! Keep a look out for more exciting reports featuring guest Evangelists from Operation Decapolis!
This is all possible because of you! Thank you!
Together in the Harvest,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(Together with Peter Vandenberg and the whole CfaN team)