Calabar, Nigeria
Preach to the people and testify …
The delta of the Cross River into the Atlantic Ocean forms one of the best natural harbors on the West African coast. That’s why it became one of the earliest trading stations for European merchants, who used it to supply their ships with food and fresh water. Way back in the 15th century, Portuguese sailors had already visited here, as they sailed the West African coast in their quest to find the sea passage to India.

Yet it took until 1846 before Scottish Presbyterians founded the first missions station in Calabar. In the following decades, Christianity grew in influence, and this is where the first hospital and the first post office in the country were opened. Today, Calabar is a flourishing trading center and an administrative hub.
In the surrounding region, there is a well-developed plantation industry. Agriculture is the most important industry in the Cross River Province. In addition to countless small, private agricultural enterprises, there are also huge government-run plantations. Manioc, yams, rice, bananas, maize, cocoa, rubber, peanuts and coconuts are all grown here.
We at CfaN were last in this remarkable city in December 2004. It is going through massive changes, due to the influence of Christianity and the growing number of churches. We believe that the Lord has called us here again to inspire the local Christians, and to help them to reach the next generation with the Gospel. It’s time for the people of this entire region to hear the good news of Jesus Christ in a new, fresh and authentic way.
Our heartfelt thanks for your help!
We stand shoulder to shoulder with you in the work in Africa. You are one of those who, through your prayers and your donations, make our work even possible, and we stand together in Africa on the front lines. We need each other. I thank you for all your help and partnership.
Africa shall be saved!
Thank you for all your support!
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda