Thursday, 28 August 2014
Abounding Grace

Tonight our evangelistic campaign began here in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda. This is the city where the Rwandan genocide began 20 years ago. The scars of that tragedy still remain and the memories are vivid in the minds of the people. The spiritual ground seems a bit tougher here than usual. It reminds me a little bit of our campaign in Gulu, Uganda where Joseph Kony had conducted his reign of terror. Yet, in these places, where unimaginable evil has prevailed, there seems to be a special grace that “abounds all the more.” I believe that the Lord has sent us here for a very specific reason. We will see an extraordinary outpouring of the Holy Spirit’s power and love this week.
Tonight after I preached the Gospel and prayed for the sick, we heardwonderful testimonies of God’s healing power:
- Two women's large protruding tumors instantly vanished.
- A man deaf in both ears for two years was healed.
- An elderly man who could barely walk because of a broken legwas healed. He was so overjoyed, he danced, ran and hugged me.
Just as I was finishing the last testimony, we felt large cold raindrops landing on our heads. I dismissed the crowd, and as we were leaving the field the rain began to pour. As my intercessors are well aware, it has been raining here in Kigali over the past few days, and I had asked for prayer that the Lord would hold back the rain. Tonight, the timing could not have been more striking. It was a clear answer to prayer.
Please continue to pray for good weather, and especially for the precious people of Kigali. The Lord knows there are so many needs that only He can meet. We are trusting Him.
Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with Reinhard Bonnke, Peter van den Berg and the whole CfaN team