Elizabeth M., Cameroon

Many gave up on me, but God did not

“Every morning was the same. I would wake up and take over 10 different pain medications. Then my friend would help me pull on pressure pads to help me walk and bear the pain. The doctors didn’t really know what was wrong with my knees. They gave up and told me I had to live with it. After so many years, I had built up a strong tolerance, so the medications barely had any effect.”

Elizabeth’s desires were so very simple. Immobilized by the constant pain, all she longed for was “the little things”; to be able to cook and clean, to bend down and sweep her own floor. She felt that people pitied her when they saw her, and she was embarrassed to not be able to care for herself.

Then came the day that she made her way, painfully and slowly, to the CfaN campaign in Douala, Cameroon. “When the evangelist was praying, I felt something go through my body from my head to my feet, something I had never felt before. I knew that God was performing a miracle in my life. I just knew it! Right in that very moment, he told us to test ourselves, to check the part of our body that couldn’t move. And that’s when I stood up. That’s when God healed me! That’s when I received my healing”