Daniel Kolenda
Short audio messages
Short audio messages designed to encourage, inspire, and increase your faith

Audio Message
What Are You Living For?
On the wall of the south choir aisle of Westminster Abbey hangs a memorial stone to John and Charles Wesley that says, “God buries His workmen, but…

Audio Message
Saved To Serve
Some people have a heart that is filled with compassion for a particular people group, cause or need in the world. These are often God-given burdens…

Audio Message
What God Wants
Leonard Ravenhill once asked the question, “Is what you’re living for worth Christ dying for?”

Audio Message
I Will Be With You
In the story of Gideon, found in the 6th chapter of Judges, It’s amazing to think that even after the Angel of the Lord had appeared to Gideon and…

Audio Message
I Am Your Reward
Often when people say that they don’t know God’s will, what they really mean is that they have not heard an audible voice from heaven.

Audio Message
Good Timber
I recently read about a scientific experiment called a “biosphere” where a group of scientists had artificially replicated nearly every weather…

Audio Message
Have you ever played a word association game? Word association is an interesting way to see how a person categorizes and connects different ideas,…

Audio Message
Faithfulness In The Small Things
As I look back at my own life, I’m amazed to think about what God has done. Today I lead the international evangelistic ministry of Christ for all…

Audio Message
We Are All Called
Through the years a fundamental disconnect has developed between two parts of the church commonly known as the “clergy” and the “laity” producing a…

Audio Message
God's Way Is Best
There seems to be a perpetual conflict in the Christian life between what is “good” and what is “God.”