Thank You for committing to pray for Africa on the 5th of November.

What's Next?
In the last decades, CfaN has always had a very strong follow-up system, working hand-in-hand with local churches. Each person who decides to follow Jesus receives a booklet called “Now that you are saved”, which helps them to understand their decision, and to take their first steps in discipleship. It’s a crucial, very well-tested system that gives new believers the best possible start to their new life in Christ, and filters them immediately into a local church.
And now we have a new tool in that follow-up box! In the last year and a half, our Bootcamp and CfaN team members have conducted an astonishing number of children’s campaigns. We realized quickly that we needed a special booklet just for kids… The same, powerful Gospel message, but in language that young children can understand, read and reread, building the same first steps in faith that adults do.
What will it take?
Thanks to printing locally, and using every resource we have efficiently, it takes only 11 cents per booklet. That cost includes translation, printing, storage, and most importantly, the sending of evangelists to go out and preach the Good News. That means we can make an eternal difference in these children’s lives together, for generations to come…
100 booklets - €11
1,000 booklets - €110
10,000 booklets - €1100
… and we can reach one million African children with only €111,000!
We’re doing this!
As I write this to you, we already have more translations underway, and we’ve printed a further 500,000 in Swahili. We’re moving fast to ensure that our teams of evangelists have the tools they need to help these young people build a firm foundation in their new walk with God. In fact, our admin teams are having a hard time keeping up with the demand, as so many Bootcamp graduates are fanning out into many African countries.