When Evangelist Virginnia took to the Decapolis platform for the first time on the third night of the Gospel Campaign in Solwezi, she spoke on the power of the blood of Jesus. This powerful, clear gospel message touched the hearts of the people as multitudes responded to the call of salvation. Then after the prayer for the sick, many people came forward to testify of the amazing healing they had received!
Virginnia reported
“I am forever marked to see the masses come to my Beloved! Something changes in you when you see thousands upon thousands of souls turn away from darkness and to light all at one time! Something changes in you when you are entrusted to preach the Power of God unto salvation to tens of thousands of people at one time! Something changes in you when you see deaf ears open, blind eyes seeing, and cripples walking… I am eternally thankful to Evangelist Daniel Kolenda and the CfaN Team for this amazing opportunity.”