Live before you die – by Daniel Kolenda

The eternal, omnipotent, all-wise God made you with His own hands. Before you were even born He had a dream for your life. But sometimes it is hard to know what that dream is, or how to fulfil it.

In “Live before you die,” Daniel Kolenda helps you answer the universal question; where do I belong? Drawing from Scripture and his own experiences, he gives practical advice to help you tune into God’s call, revealing:

Seven secrets to discovering God’s will
How to start moving in the right direction
What to do when God says wait
How to stay in the will of God
And more

Whether your journey takes you to the mission field or medical school, whether you become a construction worker, stay-at-home mom, businessman, teacher, chef, or pastor —discovering God’s will for your life is not a matter of determining what you want but what God wants. It is a spiritual quest of the utmost significance.

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